Diversity at ETH Zurich

ETH Diversity is committed to ensuring that all members of ETH Zurich can study, pursue research, work or complete an apprenticeship with equal opportunities and success, regardless of their function, education, origin, race, gender, age, language, social status, lifestyle, religious, ideological or political beliefs, sexual orientation and gender identity, physical and mental disability, or professional status. We work on issues such as unconscious bias, racism, sexual harassment, women's advancement in academia, and much more.

Current Topics and Events

Support for additional childcare costs

You are an ETH member, attending a conference, are on a short research stay, have to go on a business trip or are taking part in further training and additional expenses are incurred for the care of your child/children? Then you can apply for the Robert Gnehm Grant.

New Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Strategy of the ETH Board 2025–2028

Link to the Website of the EDI Strategy

The new DEI-Strategy for the ETH Domain is an important step on the way towards a more inclusive ETH. It is divided into five focus areas, which approach the goal of fostering diversity, equality and inclusion from different perspectives. external page Read more about the DEI-Strategy of the ETH Board  

New Checklist for Diversity Balanced Events

Are you organizing events and looking for inspiration on how to make them more inclusive and diverse? Have a look at our Checklist for Diversity Balanced Events.

Want to know about events and news relating to diversity and inclusion in the university context?

Then follow external page ETH Diversity's LinkedIn channel now!


Questions and suggestions? Just contact the ETH Diversity Team.
  • diversity@ethz.ch

Binzmühlestrasse 130 / OCT F 35
8092 Zürich