Scientific Career

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Studying at ETH?

Are you interested in science and technology? How about becoming an engineer, a physicist or biologist? Get to know ETH Zurich through our different trial offers.

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Are you already studying at ETH Zurich and interested in specific offers for female students and scientists?

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Doctoral Students and Postdocs

Are you a doctoral student at ETH or have you already completed your doctoral degree? Find information on your further academic career here.



Find further information and offers on professorships at ETH Zurich here.

group of women as a symbol for female associations

Female Associations

Made by women for women: further information about female associations in the departments.


For a successful academic career, funding, awards and scholarships, as well as networks and career advice centers are of great importance.

The ETH's Human Resources department offers a wide range of opportunities for further education and career consulting to administrative and technical staff. Find more information here.

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