Equality Monitoring 2022

Here you can find the results from the Equality Monitoring 2022 for the entire ETH Zurich as well as for each department.

Results of the Equality Monitoring 2022

ETH Zurich 

Diversity dimension gender

  • The results of the 2022 Equality Monitoring do not show any significant positive developments for most academic career areas at ETH Zurich.
  • Among both students and doctoral candidates the gender ratios have changed by only a few comma digits in 2022. The proportion of women remains at a low level (students = 32.7%, doctoral candidates = 34.4%). In the case of doctoral candidates who are women, there is even a small negative trend in 2022 with a decrease of 0.2% compared to 2021.
  • The proportion of women among scientific staff saw an increase of 1.4% since 2021 to 28.8% in 2022. This rise in 2022 is primarily due to the growth in the proportion of women among postdocs, which rose by 2.3% since the previous year to 33.1%.
  • The proportion of women among professors (full and assistant professors) continues to rise. With the increase from 19.6% in 2021 to 20.3% in 2022, professorship still remains the career level with the lowest proportion of women at ETH Zurich.
  • In 2022 6 women entered office as full professors; in 2021 there were 5. At the same time, 7 men entered office as full professors in 2022, in 2021 there were 10 men. In 2022 the proportion of women also increased for assistant professorships with tenure track. Indeed, overall, the percentage of women who became professors in 2022 is smaller than in 2021. This is due to the larger proportion of men who entered assistant professorships without a tenure track in 2022. However, on a positive note, more women professors entered full professorships or tenure-track positions in 2022 than in 2021.
  • In the administrative-technical field, the gender ratio remains almost unchanged in 2022 – the share of women was 44% and has increased by 0.5% compared to 2021.

Diversity dimension age

  • In 2022, the age distributions by gender remain very similar on average at all academic career stages from bachelor's degree to assistant professorships (in some cases there is only a 0.1-year age difference between the categories of men and women).
  • A larger age difference can once again only be seen in the case of permanent professorships: here, women are on average 3 years younger (50.3 years compared to men who are on average 53.3 years old).

Diversity dimension internationalisation

  • The degree of internationalisation at ETH Zurich remains once again very high in 2022. Compared to the previous year, this tendency was particularly amplified in 2022 among Bachelor and Master students as well as assistant professors and apprentices.
  • At 90.9%, 78.2%, and 81.2%, respectively, the academic levels of postdocs, senior assistants and scientific assistants, as well as assistant professors continue to have the highest proportion of people from other countries in 2022.

Diversity dimension language

  • In 2022, 40 different native languages are spoken at ETH Zurich, with German remaining the most common one across all academic levels. Italian, English, French and Chinese are also frequently present native languages at the various levels.
  • Italian is the second most common native language among Bachelor's students and administrative-technical staff in 2022, although almost the same number of administrative-technical staff indicate English as their native language. From postdoc level up to professorships, English is the second most common native language. French and Chinese are the second most common native languages among Master's students and are listed with similar frequency.
  • Apart from administrative and technical staff, French, Italian and Chinese are the third most common native languages at the other levels.

Generally, the following applies: At ETH Zurich, like at most other universities, there is still little data available on other aspects of diversity. This is mainly because statistics on many diversity metrics are not regularly collected due to the often private and sensitive nature of the information. Since the available figures correspond to those of the Federal Statistical Office for reasons of comparability with the other Swiss universities, the gender dimension is reported as a binary variable and refers to the two juridically recognized genders in Switzerland only.

Data creates awareness, and publishing such data creates transparency. But it is only through the actors at the universities that real change can be created. In this sense, we hope this information will stimulate discussion and contribute to further progress in gender equality and diversity work.

Leaky Pipeline at ETH Zurich

Leaky Pipeline at ETH Zurich 2022

Different Types of Leaky Pipelines 2022

Ranking of Academic Departments 2022


Student Body by Gender 2006 - 2022

Proportion of Female Students by Departements 2018 vs. 2022

Students by Entry Qualification and Gender 2022

Doctoral Candidates

Doctoral Candidates by Gender 2006 - 2022

Proportion of Female Doctoral Candidates by Departement 2018 vs. 2022

Doctoral Candidates by Entry Qualification and Gender 2022

Honorary Doctorates Awarded by Gender 2006 - 2022

Scientific Staff

Scientific Staff by Gender 2006 - 2022

Proportion of Female Scientific Staff 2006 - 2022

Scientific Staff by Nationality and Gender 2022

Adjunct Professor Titles Awarded by Gender 2006 - 2022


Professorships 2006 - 2022

Gender Breakdown of Professors by Department 2018 vs. 2022

Assistant Professorships, Tenure Track and Non-Tenure Track 2010 - 2022

Professorships by Nationality and Gender 2022

Glass Ceiling Index at ETH Zurich 2006 - 2022

Appointment Procedures and New Entrances

Gender Ratio at Different Stages of the Appointment Procedure 2022

Entrances of Professors (incl. SNF / ERC / TT) 2006 - 2022

Entrances of Assistant Professors, Tenure Track and Non-Tenure Track 2006 - 2022

Technical and Administrative Personnel and Apprentices

Technical and Administrative Personnel 2022

Apprentices by Gender 2009 - 2022

ETH Zurich Community by Gender and Age in 2022

ETH Zurich Community by Nationalities in 2022

ETH Zurich Community by Native Language in 2022


BSc = Bachelor's students

MSc = Master's students

Doc = doctoral candidates

Postdoc = postdoctoral candidates and research associates II

SSA = senior assistants and scientific assistants (fixed-term)

SS = senior scientists and leading scientists (permanent contracts)

AssP = assistant professors

FP = full and associate professors (permanent contracts)

S/A = (Executive Board) staff units and administrative departments

TT = tenure track

SNF = Swiss National Science Foundation

ERC = European Research Council



  • Full-time equivalents (FTE) and individuals (HC): From postdoc level onwards, the figures refer to full-time equivalents (FTE = Full-Time Equivalents). Below that academic level they refer to individuals (HC = head count). One full-time equivalent corresponds to a full-time position at ETH Zurich, based on a working week of 41 hours. Doctoral students are not included in the figures for the mid-level faculty. They are shown separately.
  • Definition «Leaky Pipeline»: The observation that the proportion of women on the academic career ladder declines after graduation is known as the "leaky pipeline". ETH Zurich has recognised this phenomenon and, among other things, has been offering the career programme "external pageFix-the-leaky-pipeline" for young female scientists together with the other institutions of the ETH Zurich Domain since 2007.
  • Definition Swiss Entry Qualification vs. Foreign Entry Qualification: Students with foreign entry qualifications are students with a foreign educational background who were not resident in Switzerland before starting their studies. Students with Swiss entry qualification are students with either Swiss nationality or foreign students who were resident in Switzerland when they acquired their university admission. From postdoc level onwards, nationality rather than educational origin is specified.
  • Definition Glass Ceiling Index (GCI): The Glass Ceiling Index (GCI) compares (divides) the proportion of women at all levels from post-doctoral research to full professorship (associate and full professorship) with the proportion of women at the level of full professorship. A value greater than 1 means that women are underrepresented at the level of full professorship compared with their presence in academic positions in general (from postdoctoral research upward). The higher the GCI value above 1, the stronger the glass ceiling effect. This term is used to describe the effect of structural barriers that make it difficult for women to access higher positions in academia, resulting in their under-representation at the top level of full professorship.
  • Definition Gender Parity Index (GPI): The Gender Parity Index (GPI) indicates the relative position of the various ETH Zurich departments with regard to the proportion of women in the following five levels:
    - The proportion of female students I1
    - The proportion of female doctoral candidates I2
    - The proportion of female scientific staff I3
    - Proportion of female professors (full and assistant professors) I4
    - Proportion of female administrative and technical staff I5


Leaky Pipeline D-ARCH 2022


Proportion of Women Among Students and Doctoral Students D-ARCH 2006 - 2022


Students and Doctoral Students by Entry Qualification and Gender D-ARCH 2022


Academic Staff by Gender D-ARCH 2006 - 2022


Proportion of Women among Academic Staff D-ARCH 2006 - 2022


Professorships D-ARCH 2006 - 2022


Glass Ceiling Index at D-ARCH 2006 - 2022


Technical and Administrative Personnel D-ARCH 2006 - 2022

Leaky Pipeline D-BAUG 2022


Proportion of Women Among Students and Doctoral Students D-BAUG 2006 - 2022


Students and Doctoral Students by Entry Qualification and Gender D-BAUG 2022


Academic Staff by Gender D-BAUG 2006 - 2022


Proportion of Women among Academic Staff D-BAUG 2006 - 2022


Professorships D-BAUG 2006 - 2022


Glass Ceiling Index at D-BAUG 2006 - 2022


Technical and Administrative Personnel D-BAUG 2006 - 2022

Leaky Pipeline D-BIOL 2022


Proportion of Women Among Students and Doctoral Students D-BIOL 2006 - 2022


Students and Doctoral Students by Entry Qualification and Gender D-BIOL 2022


Academic Staff by Gender D-BIOL 2006 - 2022


Proportion of Women among Academic Staff D-BIOL 2006 - 2022


Professorships D-BIOL 2006 - 2022


Glass Ceiling Index at D-BIOL 2006 - 2022


Technical and Administrative Personnel D-BIOL 2006 - 2022

Leaky Pipeline D-BSSE 2022


Proportion of Women Among Students and Doctoral Students D-BSSE 2006 - 2022


Students and Doctoral Students by Entry Qualification and Gender D-BSSE 2022


Academic Staff by Gender D-BSSE 2006 - 2022


Proportion of Women among Academic Staff D-BSSE 2006 - 2022


Professorships D-BSSE 2006 - 2022


Glass Ceiling Index at D-BSSE 2006 - 2022


Technical and Administrative Personnel D-BSSE 2006 - 2022

Leaky Pipeline D-CHAB 2022


Proportion of Women Among Students and Doctoral Students D-CHAB 2006 - 2022


Students and Doctoral Students by Entry Qualification and Gender D-CHAB 2022


Academic Staff by Gender D-CHAB 2006 - 2022


Proportion of Women among Academic Staff D-CHAB 2006 - 2022


Professorships D-CHAB 2006 - 2022


Glass Ceiling Index at D-CHAB 2006 - 2022


Technical and Administrative Personnel D-CHAB 2006 - 2022

Leaky Pipeline D-ERDW 2022


Proportion of Women Among Students and Doctoral Students D-ERDW 2006 - 2022


Students and Doctoral Students by Entry Qualification and Gender D-ERDW 2022


Academic Staff by Gender D-ERDW 2006 - 2022


Proportion of Women among Academic Staff D-ERDW 2006 - 2022


Professorships D-ERDW 2006 - 2022


Glass Ceiling Index at D-ERDW 2006 - 2022


Technical and Administrative Personnel D-ERDW 2006 - 2022

Leaky Pipeline D-GESS 2022


Proportion of Women Among Students and Doctoral Students D-GESS 2006 - 2022


Students and Doctoral Students by Entry Qualification and Gender D-GESS 2022


Academic Staff by Gender D-GESS 2006 - 2022


Proportion of Women among Academic Staff D-GESS 2006 - 2022


Professorships D-GESS 2006 - 2022


Glass Ceiling Index at D-GESS 2006 - 2022


Technical and Administrative Personnel D-GESS 2006 - 2022

Leaky Pipeline D-HEST 2022


Proportion of Women Among Students and Doctoral Students D-HEST 2006 - 2022


Students and Doctoral Students by Entry Qualification and Gender D-HEST 2022


Academic Staff by Gender D-HEST 2006 - 2022


Proportion of Women among Academic Staff D-HEST 2006 - 2022


Professorships D-HEST 2006 - 2022


Glass Ceiling Index at D-HEST 2006 - 2022


Technical and Administrative Personnel D-HEST 2006 - 2022

Leaky Pipeline D-INFK 2022


Proportion of Women Among Students and Doctoral Students D-INFK 2006 - 2022


Students and Doctoral Students by Entry Qualification and Gender D-INFK 2022


Academic Staff by Gender D-INFK 2006 - 2022


Proportion of Women among Academics Staff D-INFK 2006 - 2022


Professorships D-INFK 2006 - 2022


Glass Ceiling Index at D-INFK 2006 - 2022


Technical and Administrative Personnel D-INFK 2006 - 2022

Leaky Pipeline D-ITET 2022


Proportion of Women Among Students and Doctoral Students D-ITET 2006 - 2022


Students and Doctoral Students by Entry Qualification and Gender D-ITET 2022


Academic Staff by Gender D-ITET 2006 - 2022


Proportion of Women among Academic Staff D-ITET 2006 - 2022


Professorships D-ITET 2006 - 2022


Glass Ceiling Index at D-ITET 2006 - 2022


Technical and Administrative Personnel D-ITET 2006 - 2022

Leaky Pipeline D-MATH 2022


Proportion of Women Among Students and Doctoral Students D-MATH 2006 - 2022


Students and Doctoral Students by Entry Qualification and Gender D-MATH 2022


Academic Staff by Gender D-MATH 2006 - 2022


Proportion of Women among Academic Staff D-MATH 2006 - 2022


Professorships D-MATH 2006 - 2022


Glass Ceiling Index at D-MATH 2006 - 2022


Technical and Administrative Personnel D-MATH 2006 - 2022

Leaky Pipeline D-MATL 2022


Proportion of Women Among Students and Doctoral Students D-MATL 2006 - 2022


Students and Doctoral Students by Entry Qualification and Gender D-MATL 2022


Academic Staff by Gender D-MATL 2006 - 2022


Proportion of Women among Academic Staff D-MATL 2006 - 2022


Professorships D-MATL 2006 - 2022


Glass Ceiling Index at D-MATL 2006 - 2022


Technical and Administrative Personnel D-MATL 2006 - 2022

Leaky Pipeline D-MAVT 2022


Proportion of Women Among Students and Doctoral Students D-MAVT 2006 - 2022


Students and Doctoral Students by Entry Qualification and Gender D-MAVT 2022


Academic Staff by Gender D-MAVT 2006 - 2022


Professorships D-MAVT 2006 - 2022


Glass Ceiling Index at D-MAVT 2006 - 2022


Technical and Administrative Personnel D-MAVT 2006 - 2022

Leaky Pipeline D-MTEC 2022


Proportion of Women Among Students and Doctoral Students D-MTEC 2006 - 2022


Students and Doctoral Students by Entry Qualification and Gender D-MTEC 2022


Academic Staff by Gender D-MTEC 2006 - 2022


Proportion of Women among Academic Staff D-MTEC 2006 - 2022


Professorships D-MTEC 2006 - 2022


Glass Ceiling Index at D-MTEC 2006 - 2022


Technical and Administrative Personnel D-MTEC 2006 - 2022

Leaky Pipeline D-PHYS 2022


Proportion of Women Among Students and Doctoral Students D-PHYS 2006 - 2022


Students and Doctoral Students by Entry Qualification and Gender D-PHYS 2022


Academic Staff by Gender D-PHYS 2006 - 2022


Proportion of Women among Academic Staff D-PHYS 2006 - 2022


Professorships D-PHYS 2006 - 2022


Glass Ceiling Index at D-PHYS 2006 - 2022


Technical and Administrative Personnel D-PHYS 2006 - 2022

Leaky Pipeline D-USYS 2022


Proportion of Women Among Students and Doctoral Students D-USYS 2006 - 2022


Students and Doctoral Students by Entry Qualification and Gender D-USYS 2022


Academic Staff by Gender D-USYS 2006 - 2022


Professorships D-USYS 2006 - 2022


Glass Ceiling Index at D-USYS 2006 - 2022


Technical and Administrative Personnel D-USYS 2006 - 2022


BSc = Bachelor's students

MSc = Master's students

Doc = doctoral candidates

Postdoc = postdoctoral candidates and research associates II

SSA = senior assistants and scientific assistants (fixed-term)

SS = senior scientists and leading scientists (permanent contracts)

AssP = assistant professors

FP = full and associate professors (permanent contracts)

S/A = (Executive Board) staff units and administrative departments

TT = tenure track

SNF = Swiss National Science Foundation

ERC = European Research Council



  • Full-time equivalents (FTE) and individuals (HC): From postdoc level onwards, the figures refer to full-time equivalents (FTE = Full-Time Equivalents). Below that academic level they refer to individuals (HC = head count). One full-time equivalent corresponds to a full-time position at ETH Zurich, based on a working week of 41 hours. Doctoral students are not included in the figures for the mid-level faculty. They are shown separately.
  • Definition «Leaky Pipeline»: The observation that the proportion of women on the academic career ladder declines after graduation is known as the "leaky pipeline". ETH Zurich has recognised this phenomenon and, among other things, has been offering the career programme "Fix-the-leaky-pipeline" for young female scientists together with the other institutions of the ETH Zurich Domain since 2007.
  • Definition Swiss Entry Qualification vs. Foreign Entry Qualification: Students with foreign entry qualifications are students with a foreign educational background who were not resident in Switzerland before starting their studies. Students with Swiss entry qualification are students with either Swiss nationality or foreign students who were resident in Switzerland when they acquired their university admission. From postdoc level onwards, nationality rather than educational origin is specified.
  • Definition Glass Ceiling Index (GCI): The Glass Ceiling Index (GCI) compares (divides) the proportion of women at all levels from post-doctoral research to full professorship (associate and full professorship) with the proportion of women at the level of full professorship. A value greater than 1 means that women are underrepresented at the level of full professorship compared with their presence in academic positions in general (from postdoctoral research upward). The higher the GCI value above 1, the stronger the glass ceiling effect. This term is used to describe the effect of structural barriers that make it difficult for women to access higher positions in academia, resulting in their under-representation at the top level of full professorship.
  • Definition Gender Parity Index (GPI): The Gender Parity Index (GPI) indicates the relative position of the various ETH Zurich departments with regard to the proportion of women in the following five levels:
    - The proportion of female students I1
    - The proportion of female doctoral candidates I2
    - The proportion of female scientific staff I3
    - Proportion of female professors (full and assistant professors) I4
    - Proportion of female administrative and technical staff I5
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