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All stories that have been tagged with #FocusHuman

17:15 Colloquium of the ETH Library: Realising the full potential of digital collections

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Interview: Data Stewardship at the Departmental Level – Insights from D-HEST

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Open access to a new therapy – It Takes a Library

For researchers

The industrial and railway world of Hans-Peter Bärtschi in his photographs and in a new book


Preserving hard-earned data – It Takes a Library

For researchers

Understanding Research Quality as Basis of Research Assessment


"Who owns Thomas Mann?" – Seventh Thomas Mann Lecture


Keeping up the pace – It Takes a Library

For researchers

Interview: Data Stewardship for Monitoring Air Travel Emissions Data at ETH Zurich

For researchers

Blogs in the era of AI – a panel discussion

For researchers

ChatGPT and AI – where do we go from here? The future of scientific writing

For researchers

Interview: A vision for Open Science and Data Stewardship at ETH Zurich

For researchers

«Do you speak Digital?» Shaping digital transformation

For researchers

ETH Library Lab: Learn all about the innovation lab and its exciting projects

Architecture meets graphic novels – Zürich liest with Matthias Gnehm

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