ETH closed all buildings

Since Friday, 20 March, all ETH Zurich buildings are closed. Until further notice, they can only be opened using a key or an ETH employee card and the corresponding access code.

ETH Zurich is doing everything in its power to help contain the coronavirus epidemic. For this reason, all ETH members may only be present on ETH Zurich’s premises if their physical presence is absolutely necessary. This regulation went into effect on 16 March and remains in force until further notice. Exceptions to this general rule are listed on ETH’s coronavirus web page. The following basic principle applies: you must have a valid reason for being present, and your presence must be approved by your line manager. Everyone else must work from home. Students may no longer enter ETH buildings as a general rule.

As a consequence, all ETH Zurich buildings will be closed from 20 March on. This is also due to safety and security considerations. Until further notice, you may only access ETH buildings with either a key or your ETH employee card and the corresponding code. This is the same system that is in place over the Christmas break. It is not necessary to have your ETH card validated for this purpose, but you have to request an access code online in advance. You can find everything you need to know on the electronic access section on the ETH website.

The responsible Info + Service Center (ISC) can authorize access to buildings for which the respective ETH card does not yet have authorization. At each entrance door there is a telephone number with which the ICS can be reached and access can be released if necessary.

All additional information about the current situation for researcherslecturers, students and administrative and technical staff can be found on ETH's coronavirus web page, which is updated regularly.

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