New offers to improve mental health

Members of the ETH community who find themselves facing difficult situations, interpersonal conflicts or inappropriate behaviour can receive support from the university's various counselling and advice services. There are now new options available for those who need support to improve their mental well-being.

Image: Colourbox

Most people face psychological challenges at some point in their lives. Mental distress can affect everyone, and the phenomenon is currently on the rise. This is especially true in the corona era: from remote working to social distancing to new uncertainties, our daily lives and working situations have changed enormously over the past two years. “In challenging times like these, personal well-being plays a central role, and maintaining your mental health is more important than ever,” says Dr. Julia Dannath, Vice President for Personnel Development and Leadership. “For that reason, it makes sense to seek professional help during difficult phases, times of stress or crisis situations.”

Employee health is very important to the university. The current significance of mental health is also reflected in the 2021 employee survey. According to the survey results, ETH could do even more to promote employees’ psychological well-being. “We take this feedback very seriously and are planning on introducing various measures in response,” says Dannath.

New counselling and course offers for mental health challenges

Psychological counselling for scientific and technical-administrative employees

Employees facing mental health challenges can now turn to the Institute of Applied Psychology (IAP) at ZHAW for help. The IAP offers advice with a focus on guiding people towards solutions and resources. Sessions can be conducted anonymously, via phone or computer, or in person. 

You can find more details and contact information on this website.

Mental health “first aid” courses

This course, offered by external pageensa, is aimed at equipping employees to offer "first aid” to colleagues or people they know outside of work who are experiencing mental health difficulties. Participants will learn how to approach people who are struggling with psychological challenges, how to offer them support and how to direct them towards professional help.

Learn more about this course and register now: 


Contact and advice services at ETH Zurich

The wide range of existing counselling and advice services has been expanded and includes options inside and outside of ETH Zurich. Anyone who is facing difficult situations or conflicts can turn to these services for help and support.

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