New Search Portal for library resources

A new Search Portal enhances ETH Library’s website: as of immediately, you will find the seasoned, multi-resource search function with refined search options and a new look and feel at

The following functionalities organise your searches and access to the library’s resources more efficiently:

  • Better visibility of online resources for members of ETH Zurich
  • Freely accessible documents, even from outside ETH Zurich, indicated with an open access symbol
  • Papers that have undergone a peer review process indicated
  • Paper citations displayed
  • Advanced filter options
  • Advanced referrals to websites with information on people searched for
  • Clearer design of the user account
  • Improved display on mobile devices

 A special service for members of ETH Zurich: Wherever possible, a link leads to the platform BrowZine, where the latest journal contents are listed clearly, independently of the publisher platforms.

 For the E-Lending service, the electronic borrowing of academic eBooks for non-members of ETH Zurich, the access mode is indicated more clearly.

As usual, all the information on ETH Library’s holdings, services, collections and archives is available on the website at

ETH Library's Search Portal

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