Entry information

Employment in ETH Domain


Please indicate whether or not the doctorate is associated with employment at ETH or in the ETH Domain (EAWAG, EMPA, EPFL, PSI, WSL, CERN, SEC Singapore).


Select whether your doctorate is financed entirely from your own funds or not through employment at the ETH or in the ETH Domain and not through a scholarship.

External dissertations do not count as self-financed dissertations.

Location of research activity


If you have selected above that you are employed by ETH, the following choices are offered:

  • ETHZ
  • EMPA
  • PSI
  • SEC Singapore
  • WSL
  • CERN
  • EPFL

If you are not employed at ETH, select "outside ETH domain". You will then be asked to enter the name of the external institution. As soon as you start typing the name of the institution, suggestions will be displayed. In case the external institution is missing, enter it manually in the field below.


Please select the appropriate option:

  • with working place: if you are allocated a workplace/lab space at ETH Zurich or in the ETH Domain (CERN, EAWAG, EMPA, EPFL, PSI, SEC Singapore, WSL).
  • with lab space: if you have both a workplace and lab space.
  • without working place: if you do not have a workstation.