Grade corrections

Examiners may not change grades or results after they have listed them in eDoz. However, up until the point when grades/results have actually been decreed by the respective Study Administration Office or formally determined by a grading conference they may still be changed by the respective Study Administration Office. Submit any requests for grade corrections immediately, directly to the Study Administration Office.

If a grade or result has already been decreed, examiners may no longer change it.

A grade/result counts as decreed when students have received the corresponding email announcement from the Study Administration Office. The grade/result is then displayed in the transcript of records in myStudies. In eDoz the decreed grade/result is viewable under "Communication / Lists" -> "Performance Assessments - Registrations & Results".

If the grade or result has been issued, ie. communicated to the student by the Study Administration, it is definitive. As soon as a grade appears in eDoz under “Communication / Lists -> Performance Assessments - Registrations & Results“ this is the case. Retrospective correction of grades may only be requested where errors have taken place, and never for reasons of latitude. In particular, examiners may not promise any grade changes

Examiners may make use of the window for changes while grades are determined. For fair grading it is important that all students receive the same treatment in this context, and not only those who appeal.


If examiners wish to correct an already decreed grade or result they must inform the Study Administration responsible for the respective degree programme via the designated form - can be found at forms degree programmes & doctorate or forms continuing education. The request must contain justified grounds and any relevant documents must be enclosed.

If corrections are requested for students from several degree programmes, the examiner must inform every responsible Study Administration Office regarding its respective students.

The Study Administration Office decides whether further steps should be taken. If need be it convenes an extraordinary grading conference, especially if the subject is a critical one or where a new average grade in an examination block would emerge. The Study Administration also determines whether the affected student(s) must be informed in advance by the Director of Studies; this may in particular be the case if a grade is to be corrected downwards. If an appeal is pending the Study Administration determines whether the correction procedure should be temporarily suspended.

Every grade correction must be approved by the Director of Studies, even those involving subjects offered by another department (e.g. GESS subjects and electives of other degree programmes).

The Rector makes the final decision. Retrospective requests for correction or those based on unclear grounds are judged by the Vice-Rector. Corrections which involve systematic mistakes affecting entire course units are dealt with by the Vice-Rector all together. The Vice-Rector is also informed when grade correction requests involve adjustments of more than a quarter grade or if the correction would mean that the student now passes the performance assessment.