Check of the degree request and the request for the completion of the doctoral studies
It will be checked whether the degree request or the request for the completion of the doctoral studies can be submitted.
If the degree request cannot be submitted (yet), one of the following messages will be displayed.
Additional requirements have not been completed. This means that additional performance assessments or additional credit points in certain categories specified at the start of the degree programme have not yet been completed or earned. The additional performance assessments are listed under “Additional requirements” in the transcript of records.
The request cannot be submitted because credit points are missing.
Either the total credit points specified in the programme regulations are missing or credit points are missing in individual categories.
In the transcript of records it can be checked whether the category allocation for individual performance assessments can be changed.
The request cannot be submitted if the fulfilment of specific requirement for the admission to the degree programme for which the request will be submitted have not yet been met.
A pending fulfilment of specific requirements for an admission may be a Bachelor's degree (Bachelor's certificate) required as a prerequisite for a Master's degree.
The specialisations are defined in the programme regulations and must be selected by the time the request is submitted at the latest. If one or more specialisations are missing, the request cannot be submitted.
Specialisations can be specified on the “Study programme” page via the “Specialisation” button.
When the conditions are fulfilled, the degree request can be submitted. The following is displayed: “You have sufficient credit points to submit the degree request or the request for the completion of the doctoral studies.”
If the programme regulations provide for specialisations (majors, focus area, minors), they are displayed. By ticking the box “The information is correct.”, it is confirmed that the selected specialisations are right.
Students or doctoral students confirm that the Learning Agreement is approved and final by ticking the box: “I confirm that the Learning Agreement is approved and final.”
This confirmation is required if a Learning Agreement is provided for in the programme regulations or individually for students and the Learning Agreement is not yet definite.
If the Learning Agreement has not yet been approved, the thesis supervisor or the Study Administration must be contacted. In this case, the request cannot be submitted.
The languages in which the degree documents are issued are listed.
Bachelor and Master
- The final academic record is issued in German and in English.
- The Diploma Supplement is issued bilingual in German and English.
- The degree certificate is issued in a national language. The language can be selected here.
Doctoral studies
- The academic record is issued in German and in English.
- The doctoral degree certificate is issued in a national language. The language can be selected here.
Continuing Education programmes (MAS, DAS, CAS), Teaching Diploma and Teaching Certificate
- The final academic record is issued in German and in English.
- The Diploma Supplement is issued bilingual in German and English.
- The degree certificate is issued in German.

By clicking on the “Continue” button the request with the sections “Academic record”, “Addendum” and “Achievements not listed anywhere else” will be displayed.
Note LAG: If an approved Learning Agreement (LAG) exists and the checkbox ”Confirmation of LAG” is ticked, the status of the Learning Agreement is set to “Definite” by clicking on “Continue”. The Learning Agreement can then no longer be edited in myStudies. The Study Administration Office can change the status of the Learning Agreement back to “In process” and must be contacted to do so.