Check of the degree request and the request for the completion of the doctoral studies

It will be checked whether the degree request or the request for the completion of the doctoral studies can be submitted.

If the degree request cannot be submitted (yet), one of the following messages will be displayed.

When the conditions are fulfilled, the degree request can be submitted. The following is displayed: “You have sufficient credit points to submit the degree request or the request for the completion of the doctoral studies.”

A screenshot from myStudies is shown. The screenshot shows that the request can be submitted. The following areas are outlined in violet: Confirmation of the specialisations, confirmation of the learning agreement, languages of the degree document and the “Continue” button.
Submitt request

By clicking on the “Continue” button the request with the sections “Academic record”, “Addendum” and “Achievements not listed anywhere else” will be displayed.

Note LAG: If an approved Learning Agreement (LAG) exists and the checkbox ”Confirmation of LAG” is ticked, the status of the Learning Agreement is set to “Definite” by clicking on “Continue”. The Learning Agreement can then no longer be edited in myStudies. The Study Administration Office can change the status of the Learning Agreement back to “In process” and must be contacted to do so.