Information on studying as a parent
You are about to become a parent and have questions on how you can combine your study programme with your new childcare obligations? Here you will find information on support services and exception.

Organisation of the study programme
In general, students are responsible for organising their private commitments in such a way that they can successfully complete their study programme. In addition, ETH supports students with childcare obligations by making exceptions in order to compensate for the additional time-related workload.
We recommend that you plan the remaining semesters carefully when you become a parent. Discuss your situation with your contact person at the Counselling & Coaching Centre and the specialist advisor in your department.
Flexability measures
We recommend that you plan the remaining semesters carefully when you become a parent. Discuss your situation with your contact person at the Counselling & Coaching Centre and your study advisory service in your department.
Performance assessments
Examination blocks can be divided and taken in two examination sessions up to a maximum of one year after the birth of your child.
Extension of the deadline to complete your studies
The available study time consists of a minimum study time - also called "normal study time" - and several additional (or "tolerance") semesters. The tolerance semesters are intended for offsetting contingencies, such as assessment repetitions, illness, accident, or parental leave. Should the duration of studies be insufficient for you to balance your family obligations you can apply for an extension.
Parental leave
Students can take up to two consecutive semesters of leave without justification. If you wish to interrupt your study programme for parental leave, it is also possible to withdraw and re-entry (dematriculation, matriculation). It is the student's responsibility to consider ongoing deadlines.
If the parental leave would interfere with an ongoing Bachelor's/Master's thesis, you must request an exception. Discuss the situation with your supervisors and the study advisory service for your degree programme.
Contact the Counselling & Coaching Centre to arrange a consultation as early as possible.
General support services
In addition to health protection support, there are other services available to you at ETH.
As an expecting or breastfeeding mother, you have the right to special health protection. During pregnancy and while breastfeeding, you are more sensitive to certain physical influences, strenuous work, chemical substances or microorganisms. If you are exposed to harmful factors, this can have serious consequences for the development of your child. Suitable protective measures can eliminate such factors.
You can find more information on maternity protection here.
The first aid rooms can be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women as a retreat. You can find more information on the topic of retreat areas for breastfeeding mothers here.
Parents who are students can take advantage of the same childcare services as ETH employees. You can find more information on the topic of childcare here.
ETH Zurich's Financial Aid Office can advise you on financial support options.
Continued payment of salary as a student assistant: As a student assistant, you are entitled to paid maternity leave. You can find more information on maternity and continued salary payments here.
Information for doctoral candidates
Doctoral candidates can contact the Doctoral Administration Office directly for counselling and information and can find further information at the Welcome Centre and in the Staffnet on the topic of diversity and family.