Career outside Academia

Offers of the ETH Career Center for students, doctoral students and postdocs

What options do I have when starting out on my career? What are my strengths and what skills can I bring into a company after a doctorate or postdoc? Should I join a major corporation, or would a smaller company be better? What is the right way to showcase my abilities in my CV? In an interview, can I say that I have also applied to another company, so I can’t give an immediate decision?

The more thought you give to questions like these, the more effectively you will make decisions about your professional future and the more successful will be your job application process. We provide you with the information you need, both in person and at special events and seminars, and open up valuable contacts for you, working closely with other organizations offering careers services at ETH.

We offer support for the following topics:


  • +41 44 632 09 47
  • Email

ETH Zürich
Career Center
Universitätstrasse 19
8092 Zurich

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