All students in continuing education must enrol online in myStudies every semester. They are informed by letter (first semester of studies) or email (subsequent semesters) of the date when electronic enrolment opens. The enrolment deadline is the end of the second week of the semester. After your first enrolment you can download your confirmation of matriculation in myStudies and receive your ETH Card by post.
Late enrolment is subject to a fee of CHF 50.00, which is included in the semester invoice. Persons who fail to enrol despite receiving a reminder are dematriculated.
Further information: Electronic enrolment
Register for courses
In most programmes students also use myStudies to register for courses and examinations, view grades, and request the issue of the degree.
We will partially prepare registration for you. Please ask the programme director for details.
Please note: Even if you do not attend classes you must still enrol.