Results, credit points
How do I find out my examination results?
- All of your achievements for which the confirming decree has been issued, together with the number of credit points obtained, are listed in myStudies, under "Transcript of records".
- The Study Administration Offices decree the performance assessments on a periodic basis, including shortly after the grading conference.
- The final academic records are sent to you by post.
- For all other grades and results, you will receive an e-mail from your Study Administration Office. This lists all courses for which the grades/results have been decreed.
You can view the actual grades in the transcript of records in myStudies. - Once you have received the results, and you believe that the performance evaluation is unjustified, you have thirty days to request a written decree on the results against which you can file an appeal.
Problems with first-year exams or credit points
- Repetition of the first year (study programmes without split first-year exams)
You are free to repeat the first year of your degree programme. If you took the first attempt at the first-year examinations after two semesters (in the summer examination session) a repetition of the whole first year is possible without taking further steps. If you took the first attempt after three semesters (in the winter examination session) you may only repeat the second semester. - Repetition of the first year (study programmes with split first-year exams)
The first year examinations, consisting of two separate examination blocks, have to be passed - including possible repetitions - within four semesters after starting the respective Bachelor programme.
There is no separate deadline to take the first try ot those examination blocks. You are therefore free to choose the order and the time (within those first four semesters) in which you take them.
In order to repeat the first year it is therefore irrelevant whether or not you have already taken and failed one or both of the examination blocks once. - Assessment load
The duration, mode and assessment load of the performance assessment which is to be retaken corresponds to the last course unit held. - Continue with the next semester of your Bachelor-programme
You can enroll regularly into the third semester and continue with your Bachelor studies. At the same time you have to retake the first-year examinations within the prescribed deadline. - Change of study programme within the ETH Zurich
It is basically possible for you to change your study programme. However, depending on your choice you may have only one try left for the first-year examinations. In study programmes with split first-year exams (INFK, ITET, MATH, PHYS, RW) the first-year exams count as failed once, if either one or both separate examination blocks have been failed once. In this case students might only have one try left after changing the study programme.
Detailed information can be found under change of degree programme - Change of study programme to the University of Zurich
A change to the University of Zurich is only possible before the autumn semester.
Please note the registration deadline!
Detailed information: Download "Merkblatt Wechsel zu UNI" (in German) (PDF, 202 KB)
- Change of degree programme within the ETH Zurich
If the new degree programme is a so-called 'related' degree programme, a change is not possible.
Detailed information can be found under Change of Degree Programme. - Change of degree programme to the University of Zurich
A change to the University of Zurich is only possible before the autumn semester.
Please note the registration deadline!
Detailed information: Download "Merkblatt Wechsel zu Uni" (in German) (PDF, 202 KB) - Orientation Semester
Even though your failure to pass the first-year examinations twice results in the exclusion of the Bachelor programme, you may still stay enrolled for one Semester immediately after the exclusion (a so-called Orientation Semester). This semester offers you time to re-orientate yourself without losing your status as a student.
For detailed information see the Download Directive concerning the Orientation Semester (PDF, 137 KB)