
Year overview

Enlarged view: Examination dates
Examination dates in the academic year, see also key table


Examination schedules

Session examinations

The examination schedules for session examinations will be published in three phases in myStudies:

  1. Publication of the schedule of written session examinations
    (with indication of the examination dates, without locations);
  2. Publication of the schedule of oral session examinations
    (with indication of the examination dates, but only with provisional time designations);
  3. As soon as the deregistration-deadline has passed the examination schedules of the examiners will be optimized in order to fill gaps that have occurred due to deregistrations of oral exams. The published examination dates are fixed – only the starting times of oral examinations might change within the days on which the exams will take place.
    Your personal examination schedule
    (including dates, locations and definite time designations) will be published shortly before the beginning of the examination session.

End-of-semester examinations

End-of-semester examinations will take place during the last two weeks of the semester or during the first two weeks of the semester break. They are organized by the lecturers resp. by the department responsible for the corresponding course unit.

The lecturers enter the exam dates continuously so that students can view the dates of the registered end-of-semester examinations in myStudies. As of week 8 of the semester, all end-of-semester examination dates must be listed completely.
(The repetition dates must be listed as of week 20 of the semester.)