Change address or personal details
Please record changes of
- address during the semester
- permanent address
- postal address
- telephone number (land line and/or mobile)
immediately at
Please communicate changes of e.g.
- first or last name
- Heimatort [Swiss term for place of origin]
- nationality
in writing to the Registrar’s Office, enclosing the relevant documents (Heimatschein, marriage certificate, passport etc.).
trans persons
For ETH Zurich purposes, changes of first name and salutation for Bachelor’s/Master’s degree students, doctoral and teaching training students as well as for participants in continuing education programmes are possible even if there has not been an official change of name.
To record a change of first name, gender and salutation (Mr/Ms) in the student database if these do not correspond with your official documents, you must register them with us in writing.
To do so, please send us the Download form (PDF, 97 KB) which includes the following information:
- first name(s), last name according to an official document (ID or passport) and your address
- student ID number (if known)
- new salutation
- new first name(s)
- your signature
- if you want the new ETH Card with a new photograph: Passport photo in digital format (e.g. .jpg)
- notification whether you are employed at ETH Zurich
(When employing third-country nationals, the information according to passport/ID may have to be retained; reason: work permit application, social insurance).
It is not possible to enter a third salutation or no salutation because the data which must be delivered each semester to the Federal Statistical Office require binary entries (Mr/Ms).
Bachelor’s/Master’s degree students and students in teaching training
Please send the completed and signed form by email or post to
Head of Registrar's Office
HG F 19
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zurich
New Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students
Please enclose the same form with the registration documents.
As soon as your request has been processed you will receive a written communication which contains the new ETH Card and a set of matriculation confirmations.
If the changes have consequences for IT entries we will contact you personally.
To record a change of first name, gender and salutation (Mr/Ms) in the student database if these do not correspond with your official documents, you must register them with us in writing.
To do so, please send us the Download form (PDF, 97 KB), which includes the following information:
- first name(s), last name according to an official document (ID or passport) and your address
- student ID number (if known)
- new salutation
- new first name(s)
- your signature
- if you want the new ETH Card with a new photograph: Passport photo in digital format (e.g. .jpg)
- notification whether you are employed at ETH Zurich
(When employing third-country nationals, the information according to passport/ID may have to be retained; reason: work permit application, social insurance).
It is not possible to enter a third salutation or no salutation because the data which must be delivered each semester to the Federal Statistical Office require binary entries (Mr/Ms).
Doctoral students
Please send your request to the Head of Doctoral Administration.
Participants in continuing education programmes
Please send your request to the Head of the School for Continuing Education.
As soon as your request has been processed you will receive a written communication which contains the new ETH Card and a set of matriculation confirmations.
If the changes have consequences for IT entries we will contact you personally.