Career Events & Networking

Every semester the Career Center as well as some student organisations offer multiple possibilities to get to know numerous companies on campus or virtually, to get a better idea of career entry opportunities and to extend the own network.  

As during a career path a lot of job opportunities result form the network and jobs are often not given via the classical advertisement and application process, the value of networking should not be underestimated.

Many students associate the term "networking" with something unpleasant. However, the following quote shows that it is easier if you do not only network when you need something. If you are primarily interested in other people and their profile and career and also ask yourself how you can help them with your skills, contacts or know-how, networking becomes easier. With the attitude that networking has more to do with giving than with taking, it becomes easier and the rest often comes naturally.

“Networking is using your creative talents to help others achieve their goals as you cultivate a network of people strategically positioned to support you in your goals … Expect nothing in return!”
Larry James


  • +41 44 632 09 47
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ETH Zürich
Career Center
Universitätstrasse 19
8092 Zurich

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