Lecture recording
Many lecture theatres at ETH Zurich are equipped for recording lectures automatically.
- Recordings are published at https://video.ethz.ch/lectures.html, the exact URL is in myStudies; otherwise, ask the instructor who will also provide you with access information (ETH user name or password).
- The publication occurs not later than in the morning of the following day.
- There might be more than one recording from one room (digital recording, blackboard recording).
- The content of the slides recorded can be searched.
- With the key combination "Alt+Scroll" you can zoom into the video to read details better.
- For this, switch to full screen mode: The symbol in the lower right corner will give you a higher video quality att the same time (recommended), with a double-click in the video area the resolution will stay the same; it can be changed according to your bandwidth (lower right corner in full screen mode).
- Downloads can be found under «Media» (see illustration).
- As of the autumn semester 2023, videos will be subtitled automatically; quality varies subject to topic, accents etc. As described in the disclaimer, "no warranty can be accepted regarding the correctness, accuracy, ... reliability and completeness of the content of this information."
- Students of other universities can register as external students and receive an ETH user account that allows them to access recordings; cf. MyStudies.
- If you have technical problems, please contact Multimedia Production. Please note that they are not allowed to communicate any login data, contact the lecturer for this.
- Legal information about use of the lecture halls
ETH Zurich
Multimedia Production