Workshop services

techpool is a technology platform of ETH Zurich. It serves as the central contact and coordination point for all topics related to workshops.

The techpool team handles enquiries about workshop orders and ensures suitable production in associated and external workshops.


  • Placing orders for manufacturing items in affiliated workshops and external partner workshops
  • Construction and support in the development of your assemblies and manufacturing articles
  • Production of manufacturing articles on the computer-controlled milling and turning machine used jointly with the SPH
  • Advising on workshop issues, independently of department
  • Coordinating all manner of workshop requirements
  • Informing customers about ETH workshops, the latest technologies and events
  • Developing workshops and guiding them towards digitalisation und industry 4.0; optimising workshop processes


  • +41 44 633 34 43

ETH Zurich
Engineering and Systems
HPI G 33
Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 14
8093 Zurich