Leave of absence
Students who are required to leave ETH for one or two semesters due to (e.g.) illness, an internship, military or civilian service may take a leave of absence.
Leaves of absence are normally granted for a maximum of two consecutive semesters. For any exceptions students should submit a request, with grounds, to the Registrar’s Office.
If you are receiving financial support (scholarship, child support etc.), find out from the office responsible whether you will continue to receive it during the leave of absence.
Students in teacher training may not take a leave of absence.
First year of studies
The first year of studies must be completed regularly so that students can address the material for the first-year examinations:
No leave of absence is possible in the first semester
In the second semester a leave of absence is only possible if there is a change of degree programme in the subsequent semester. If that is the case, you must submit a written request, with grounds, to the Registrar’s Office.
Students sitting conventional first-year examinations
If you plan to repeat the first year voluntarily without sitting the first-year examinations immediately after the second semester, a leave of absence is not recommended.
A request to extend the deadline for the first-year examinations may only be submitted to the Examinations Office once, and only after completing the first year of studies for the first time.
This does not apply to students who are sitting the split first-year examinations.
Students who have passed the first-year examinations
Students who have passed the first-year examinations may normally take a maximum of two consecutive semesters of semester leave.
Students holding a non-Swiss Bachelor's degree who have been admitted to a Master’s degree programme based on a decision on admissions may not apply for a leave of absence during the first semester.
An exception may be granted if the reason for requesting leave is a compulsory internship. This must be confirmed by the respective Study Administration.
The request, with full documentation, must reach the Registrar’s Office by email (kanzlei@ethz.ch) by the end of the fourth week of the semester at the latest.
Students on semester leave remain matriculated.
Normal enrolment deadline
Semester enrolment must proceed in myStudies according to the regulär enrolment deadline. Select the option “request semester leave” in the enrolment window.
Late enrolment is subject to a fee of CHF 50.00. Persons who fail to enrol, despite a reminder, will be dematriculated.
After enrolment, the confirmation of matriculation (with the remark "leave of absence") can be downloaded on myStudies for a certain period of time. We recommend that you immediately save the confirmation of matriculation for future use!
If you are receiving financial support (scholarship, child support etc.), find out from the office responsible whether you will continue to receive it during the leave of absence.
Persons who wish to withdraw from or interrupt their studies should refer to Withdrawal/Deregistration
No tuition fee
Students on leave pay no tuition fee only the compulsory fees summing up to CHF 74.00 and any voluntary fees.
ETH Card
The ETH Card remains valid during the leave of absence.
You may register for course units during the leave of absence.
Tuition fee
CHF 60.00 will be charged for every course hour attended during the semester (see “Hours” in the Course Catalogue) .
Maximum amount to be charged:
- CHF 730.00
Registration for extensive course units or projects
Persons registering for more than 12 weekly hours during the semester (e.g. electives or semester papers) should enrol for the regular semester, because they would be paying costs equal to semester fees. Please refer to the “Hours” of the course unit or project in the Course Catalogue.
Bachelor’s / Master’s thesis
Registration for Bachelor’s/Master’s theses incurs full tuition fees. Work on these must therefore proceed in a regular semester: that in which most of the work is completed.
Performance assessments
It is possible to sit performance assessments during a leave of absence.
Courses at the Language Centre or modules at UZH
If you want to attend courses at the Language Centre or, for example, take modules at the University of Zurich, you must be registered regularly.