Course catalogue
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All the courses that are available each semester at ETH Zurich are published in the Course Catalogue (VVZ).
The Programme Regulations and study guides for the individual programmes provide information on all the courses offered. These are available online or from the departments responsible for the programmes.
The information published in the Course Catalogue is binding once the semester has started.
external page ETH Zurich Ordinance on Course Units and Performance Assessments (in German) (dated 22 May 2012 (as of 1 August 2012); Art. 4. paragraph 2).
Art. 4 Course Catalogue
2 The information is binding once the semester has started. In exceptional cases where there is good reason, the Rector can approve requests for changes to the information after the start of the semester, provided the request is submitted before the expiry of the deadline for registering for performance assessments as stated in Article 9 paragraph 1. Late amendments will be announced in accordance with Article 3. Requests submitted late will not be acted upon.
ETH Zurich
Room and Course Scheduling
Rämistrasse 101
HG F 11