Student Project House

The Student Project House is a creative think- and makerspace open to all ETH students.

Student Project House

The space is designed to mix students of different disciplines, expertise levels and modes of engagement. It provides a range of opportunities for hands-on, team-based learning, from courses to independent tinkering and co-curricular offerings.


The Makerspace is an open and free workshop. There you can test your ideas in real: You can build things and get advice on design and fabrication. Makerspace

Student projects

In the Student Project House students get support to realise their own projects. It offers space for your team to meet and work. Projects

Programmes & events

The Student Project House hosts programmes and hackatons to inspire and support students to develop solutions to real-world problems. Events


  • +41 44 633 29 21
  • Email
  • Website

ETH Zurich
Student Project House
John-von-Neumann-Weg 9
HPZ F-Floor
8093 Zurich