D-​INFK: Computer Science

Application deadlines preselection D-INFK

Mandatory preselection for applications for the relevant exchange programme (on BSc and MSc level and for a mobility stay during the next academic year):

  • 1 December for worldwide departmental programmes: Application is possible from the information event D-INFK (see below).
  • 4 February for SEMP SMS (partner universities in Europe): Application is possible from 15 January.

In order to complete the preselection, the following information is needed:

  • Prioritized wish list with at most 5 partner universities from our worldwide departmental programmes or from SEMP SMS
  • Selection exchange semester: Autumn or Spring Semester
  • Current CV (in Englisch)
  • Current transcript of records (PDF from myStudies)
  • Completed Grades Form for the Preselection D-INFK

The application – also the application for the preselection – is binding for all listed priorities; withdrawals after submission may lead to exclusion from the exchange programmes.

Start preselection

Update regarding exchange studies at University College London (UCL) from 2025/26:
We can only nominate students for terms 2&3 (January–June).
SEMP applications for term 1 (autumn) will not be accepted.

Departmental exchange coordinator

Brigitte Marti
  • +41 44 633 71 26
  • mobility@inf.ethz.ch

CAB H 36.1, 8092 Zürich