Adjustments to the calendar, examinations and programme regulations

As part of PAKETH, ETH Zurich is revising its academic calendar as of the autumn semester 2027. Find out what changes it will bring for students. 

On 29 August 2024, the Executive Board decided to introduce PAKETH for the 2027/28 academic year. This means that the reformed teaching programme and the new academic calendar will be implemented and all students will be transferred to the new study regulations on this date. There will be no transition phase.

The academic year will consist of two semesters of practically the same length with the same examination preparation period and examination session. There will be a lecture-free phase in the summer, as is the case at other universities. There will be one lecture-free week in each semester.

Students will take their performance assessments either during the course unit and/or in a final examination. By enrolling for a course unit, students are automatically registered for the corresponding performance assessment. Two-semester courses are no longer offered.

Thanks to PAKETH, the student's workload will be prioritised more and better balanced. Through conscious workload planning in lessons, there should be more time to process the learning material during the semester and prepare for examinations and performance assessments.

For effective workload monitoring, it is very important that a large number of students submit their feedback on the courses through the corresponding “Teaching Evaluation” surveys. This guarantees that the study programmes receive representative and credible data. The surveys are sent out at the end of the 11th semester week. 

All existing study regulations (Bachelor's and Master's level) will be revised and come into effect from autumn semester 2027. There will be no transitional year; the change will take place simultaneously for all students. This change will be organised in such a way that all previous academic achievements will be recognised. Particular care will be taken to ensure that you, as students, do not experience any disadvantages as a result.

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