Application Guide

Our application guide is aimed at ETH students and doctoral students, and offers help at every level. The application guide is devided into four phases of the application process.

The four phases of the application process (for more details see chapter 1 of the guide or have a look at the Career Management Cycle):

  1. Analysis and current situation
    Who am I? What am I capable of? What do I want?
  2. Exploration
    What different sectors and types of companies are there? What are the opportunities at entry level?
  3. Focus
    Which companies suit me? Which jobs match my abilities?
  4. Application
    How do I put myself across at my best in my application documents and in an interview?

It is not a collection of articles or reports, but a workbook that you can work through directly for yourself or use chapter by chapter (e.g. building a CV, preparing for a job interview, etc.).

You can get the application guide free of charge at the Career Center or download it under the following link:

Download Download Application guide pdf (PDF, 10.6 MB)


  • +41 44 632 09 47

ETH Zürich
Career Center
Universitätstrasse 19
8092 Zurich

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