Research projects
Students can write their Bachelor's, Master's or research thesis outside ETH Zurich in the framework of a mobility programme. This can be an important station in one's personal, academic and professional development.
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Organising and finding a project
Early on, you should check whether an external research project is possible in your department or degree programme. Then you should learn about the application deadlines and conditions of the programmes. Afterwards, you can start looking for a suitable project (if you do not already have one).
- Visit the websites of the departments or institutes of your desired host university to find a project and / or supervising professorship.
- The International Knowledge Base shows possible research contacts between your desired host university and ETH. Contact the persons at ETH who may already be able to suggest a project or arrange a contact to a professorship at the host university.
- Search for suitable projects via the SiROP platform.
- chevron_right Open the International Knowledge Base
- external page call_made Search for suitable projects via the SiROP platform
- Download vertical_align_bottom Read the German information sheet on agreements in connection with student research projects or internships completed at another university (PDF, 146 KB)
Student internships and vocational internships
A tier 5 temporary worker visa is required. A precondition for this visa is a British sponsor for the internship. For mobilities from Switzerland, the British Council has not yet fulfilled this function (as it can do within the Erasmus+ programme). Therefore, discuss the required steps with your guest institution before applying.