Studying with a disability

ETH Zurich is committed to equal opportunities for students with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses. Various services are designed to enable students to study independently and with equal rights.

Counselling services for students


The Counselling & Coaching Centre supports Bachelor's and Master's students with the following services:

  • Counselling on the use of disability-related aids during the semester
  • Counselling on requesting for reasonable adjustments for performance assessments
  • Contacting further services (internal counselling offices, external assessment and support centres)

Our services are aimed at people with a recognised disability as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act. 

According to the definition of the Disability Discrimination Act, “a person with a disability is a person who, due to a physical, mental or psychological impairment which is likely to be permanent, finds it difficult or is unable to carry out everyday tasks, cultivate social contacts, move around, obtain an education or training, or work” (DDA, Art. 2(1)).

Making an appointment and preparation

Contact the Counselling & Coaching Centre and arrange a personal appointment. Prepare yourself for the counselling session. Take some time to think about the following questions:

If you have medical certificates or other documents that are important for the counselling process, please bring them with you to the consultation. This way, an assessment can be made immediately to determine whether the medical certificate meets all the mandatory criteria.