General information
Japan is a very safe destination with excellent transport infrastructure. The health system is very good and corresponds to European norms. The cost of living equals or exceeds that in Switzerland.
- external page ACAP (Academic Course Access Program) for courses
Partner university scholarships
All students are automatically proposed for the Japanese external page JASSO Scholarship. Note the application deadlines.
Course planning
You must specify an Academic Advisor for your application.
Important: The Department of Architecture and Building Engineering (upload CV and portfolio online) and the Department of Technology and Innovation Management are exempt.
Here you can find information about the external page departments and how to external page find a supervision.
ACAP for courses
Click here for external page information on ACAP.
Applying to the partner university
- The application documents are quite extensive.
- After your nomination by ETH, Science Tokyo will send you directly the link, the user name and the password for the application.
Applying to the partner university
- The completed application for the University of Tokyo must be delivered to the Student Exchange Office by 14 February if you plan to start your exchange semester in the autumn semester.
- Because the application documents are relatively extensive, familiarise yourself early with the external page partner university application procedure.
- Important: external page Overview of additional documents required according to Faculty.
chevron_right FAQ for quick answersContact persons
- Departments: departmental exchange coordinators
- Student Exchange Office: Andra Sander, , +41 44 632 30 54