General information
In any case please note the details listed in the Examination Information.
In the third and fourth week of each semester via myStudies
- An examination registration for session and end-of-semester examinations must be done actively.
All of the examination information regarding performance assessments is published from the start of the semester in myStudies under "Course registration" (click on the name of the course) resp. in the Course Catalogue itself. - Please note, that you have no entitlement to take a session- or an end-of-semester examination without being registered for it.
An examination taken without registration cannot be registered belatedly and is not valid. - Where examinations are part of an examination block, students may only register for the whole block as opposed to individual examinations.
- An examination registration is not required for performance assessments which are ungraded or graded semester performances.
Students are automatically 'registered' for such a performance assessment once they enrol in the course unit itself. - See also Types of examination
- Course units which you have not enrolled in.
You need to enrol in any missing course unit first, after which you can register online for the examination in the normal manner. - Course units in which you enrolled more than four semesters ago.
In this case, you must register in person at the Examinations Office. To this end, print out the registration form from myStudies. - Course units taking the form of "graded or ungraded semester performance".
Active registration is not required for such courses. - Course units which are part of an examination block and from which you have officially been exempted by the Admissions Office.
In this case, only part of a block is displayed.
- For students granted special authorisation (e.g. individual exemptions, additional requirements), registration may only be possible manually at the Examinations Office.
- For students with special registration circumstances, e.g. due to a change in the programme regulations or a stay abroad.
- In these cases – or if individual subjects are missing – you must register in person at the Examinations Office. To this end, print out the registration form from myStudies.
First year examinations in one block:
- The first-year examinations must be passed within two years after starting a Bachelor programme. The first attempt should be made immediately at the end of the first year, but no later than during the following winter session.
- Any repetition must be no later than at the end of the second year.
Study programmes with split first year examinations
- The first year examinations, consisting of two separate examination blocks, have to be passed - including possible repetitions - within four semesters after starting the Bachelor programme.
- Remaining examination attempts will be lost after the first year examination deadline has elapsed and do not justify a prolongation of this deadline.
Special cases
- In some cases it is possible for students to repeat an end-of-semester examination which they have failed right at the start of the next semester.
These are marked in the course catalogue as "A repetition date will be offered in the first two weeks of the semester immediately consecutive". - Once the semester is finished, you can register to repeat an examination using myStudies. However, failure of the first attempt of the examination must have already been decreed.
Please contact the Study Administration Office first should you have any problems.
- Late examination registrations can be submitted by e-mail (to by the respective communicated deadlines.
Please proceed as follows:- Log in to myStudies. You will find the registration form under "Functions" - "Exams" - "Subject examinations" - "Registration form".
- Print out the registration form and complete it.
Please make sure that all the examinations you wish to register for are listed.
Please cross out any listed exams that you do not wish to register by hand. - Sign the registration form.
- Scan it in again (or if you cannot scan it in, take a photo) and send it to us by e-mail from your official ETH e-mail account.
The Examinations Office will then process the registration as soon as possible and inform you by e-mail.
Please note, that a late registration incurs a fee, which we will send you an invoice by email for, after the registration has been done:
From the 5th week of the semester until the publication of the schedule of written examinations (see Examination Information) a registration is only possible by email to the Examinations Office and costs CHF 50.--
From this date and until the belated registration deadlines (see Examination Information), a late registration is only possible by email to the Examinations Office as well and costs CHF 90.--
Further questions