Chronic illnesses
Studying with a long-term physical or mental illness can be challenging. Here you can find further information and support services for your study programme at ETH Zurich.
What is a chronic illness?
Chronic illnesses are the result of a combination of genetic, physiological, environmental and behavioural factors. They develop slowly and are usually long-lasting. They cannot be completely cured and therefore often require repeated treatment.
What support services are available for those with a chronic illness?
Counselling & Coaching
Students have the opportunity to make use of the Counselling & Coaching Centre's counselling services if required.
For example, the following topics can be discussed:
- Developing strategies for coping with everyday study life.
- Long-term study planning in the event of reduced performance.
Depending on your needs, you can also be referred to other contact persons.
Reasonable adjustments
Students with a chronic illness have the option of applying for reasonable adjustments for performance assessments.
The application must be supported by a medical certificate. In addition to the standard criteria, it must describe how the illness affects the examination situation and everyday study life. It must provide information on the stability/degressiveness/progressiveness of the illness.
Students with a temporary illness/impairment (force majeure, e.g. accident with broken leg) will not receive an special arrangement for performance assessments. If necessary, they must deregister from examinations.