Semester feedback
Semester feedback will be conducted as an optional procedure, at the request of students, faculty or the department. The Unit for Teaching and Learning (UTL) will support the process and will assume the gathering and coordination of feedback. The person(s) making the request, create their own questions or they can ask us, in order to help creating a list of questions.
Semesterfeedback ought to be :
• Optional -> on request, not mandatory, added value to teaching evaluation by LET
• Formative -> about aspects that lecturers can adapt in the on-going semester
• Selective -> it should focus on courses where something is new or where an early feedback and exchange betweenstudents and lecturers is especially important (for ex. 1st year courses, or courses that have been evaluated criticially).
The person(s) requesting semester feedback are responsible for drawing on the results to see that students and faculty reflect on the learning process and, if indicated, develop measures for improvement together.
The semester feedback uses the EduApp and is conducted in weeks 6 and 7 of the semester (24.3.-4.4.2025). It has a clear focus on formative evaluation as opposed to the summative end-of-course evaluation. As a lecturer the semester feedback gives you the opportunity to ask your own questions for student’s feedback concerning for example a new tool, a new method or a new didactical approach that you used in the course.
The deadline for requesting a semester feedback in FS25 is Wednesday 19.3.2025. Please use the the Download application form (DOCX, 14 KB) and send your request for a semester feedback to
Orientation aid
Checklist for lecturers

This checklist helps you set up your semester feedback.
Download Checklist for lecturers (PDF, 400 KB)
Checklist for student associations

This checklist helps you set up your semester feedback.
Download Checklist for student associations [in German] (PDF, 407 KB)
How To

This document provides information on appropriate questions and methods for obtaining feedback.
Download How To [in German] (PDF, 122 KB)
ETH EduApp

We suggest using the ETH EduApp to get feedback from students.
Download Edu Export Converter for Windows (ZIP, 6.4 MB)
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Abt. für Lehre und Lernen
Haldenbachstr. 44
Technical and operational
We are happy to help you with any conceptual, technical and operational aspects of evaluation in teaching.