Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Studying with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be challenging. Here you can find further information and support services for your study programme at ETH Zurich.

What is AS?

Asperger syndrome (AS) is a congenital, lifelong disorder which impacts on perception and information processing and on socio-emotional development. It results in difficulties in social interaction, communication and behaviour, as well as special characteristics in sensory perception and motor skills. Asperger syndrome (classified under ICD-10, F84.5) is a mild form of autism. Since distinctions between different forms are blurred, we now also speak of autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

The externally visible consequences of these characteristics, as well as the extent of physical impairment, differ from person to person, depending on the seriousness of the disorder, the person’s intelligence (which in the case of AS ranges from normal to above average) and age. Increasing experience of life can improve social impairments and extend the limited scope of action.

What support services are available for those with AS?

Counselling & Coaching

Students have the opportunity to make use of the Counselling & Coaching Centre's counselling service if required. The aim is often to develop strategies for coping with everyday study life. For example, communication with lecturers, prioritising work or exam preparations, setting boundaries and relaxation.

Together with the University of Zurich, ETH offers external page a course (in German only) for students affected by autism on the topic "How to make friends?". The course starts at the beginning of each semester.

These websites provide instructions on study techniques that can be worked on independently. A short video summarises the most important aspects of study planning.

Factsheet for lecturers

The Download AS information sheet (PDF, 109 KB) can be used when communicating with lecturers. It summarises the most important effects of AS on studying.

Reasonable adjustments

Students with a Asperger syndrome (AS) have the option of applying for areasonable adjustment for performance assessments or request adjustments during the semester.

When applying for a reasonable adjustment due to AS, the formal requirements of the ETH require a neuropsychological assessment by a specialist or a specialist centre.

If your assessment is older than 2 years, a current medical certificate is required for the application. 

We recommend the following contacts in the Zurich area for an assessment. Diagnostic certificates from other specialised institutions are also recognised.

Further links and assessment centres