Studying with Diabetes can be challenging. Here you can find further information and support services for your study programme at ETH Zurich.
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder which is characterised by a high blood sugar level. This is caused by an absolute lack of insulin (type 1 Diabetes mellitus) or by diminished effect (relative lack) of insulin (type 2 Diabetes mellitus). Diabetes can also be caused by infections, medication, etc., or first occurs during pregnancy, and is then called gestational Diabetes.
Formerly, type 1 Diabetes was also called insulin-dependent Diabetes or juvenile Diabetes and is an autoimmune disorder. This occurs if the beta cells of the pancreas, which produce the insulin required to regulate the blood sugar, are destroyed by the body’s immune system. Type 1 Diabetes occurs more frequently in children and young adults but can affect people of all ages.
What support services are available for those with Diabetes?
Counselling & Coaching
Students have the opportunity to make use of the Counselling & Coaching Centre's counselling services if required.
Factsheet for lecturers
The Download Diabetes information sheet (PDF, 101 KB) can be used when communicating with lecturers. It summarises the most important effects of Diabetes on studying.
Reasonable adjustments
Students with a Diabetes have the opportunity to apply for reasonable adjustments for performance assessments.