General information
- Refer to the travel advice of the external page Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.
- Further information, regarding external page entry formalities and the external page visa process, may be found on the US Embassy website, which also offers external page advising.
- Information on studying in the USA: external page international students.
University website | external page Harvard University |
Type of programme | Departmental |
Participating degree programmes | D-ARCH |
Duration and type | 1 semester for courses |
Course catalogue | external page Course catalogue |
Academic calendar | external page Academic calendar |
Semester designation | Semester dates |
Fall Semester | September - December |
Prerequisites | Minimum requirements |
Exchange possible from | 1st Master's degree semester |
Minimum average grades | 4,8; 5,0 or higher preferred |
Language confirmation | none required |
Important information
At the time of application to the Department of Architecture, the applicant must hold the Bachelor's degree or have verifiably registered for any remaining final examinations. If the applicant is nominated, they must submit the Bachelor's degree request immediately after passing these examinations (following the grading conference in ca. mid-February). Refer to the D-ARCH website for information on the application procedure and the respective documents required.
Additional costs
Estimated at ca USD 12,367 per semester.
For information open this link to external page accommodation at the Harvard University in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
University website | external page MIT |
Type of programme | Departmental |
Participating degree programmes | D-ARCH, D-ITET, D-INFK, D-MAVT |
Duration and type | 1 semester for courses |
Course catalogue | external page Course catalogue |
Akademischer Kalender | external page Academic calendar |
Semester designation | Semester dates |
Fall Semester | End of August - December |
Spring Semester | End of January - May |
Prerequisites | Minimum requirements |
Exchange possible from |
Minimum average grades |
Language confirmation | ETH language confirmation |
Important information
- For information on departmental preselection and all academic queries, contact the departmental exchange coordinators in D-ARCH, D-INFK, D-ITET or D-MAVT.
- D-MAVT: A semester abroad is only possible during the 1st or 2nd Master's degree semester.
Additional costs
- Estimated costs* in USD: Visa: ca. 200, accommodation ca. 7,300, meal plan ca. 3,600, external page MIT health insurance 1,349 – 1,888 and personal expenditure, books etc. 1,400.
* These estimates may be subject to change (external page see current costs). Keep in mind that the link provides cost information for MIT degree students for the whole academic year. For housing and dining and for books and personal expenses, these figures represent averages. - The external page MIT Student Health Insurance Plan (MIT SHIP) is compulsory.
- There are three possibilities for accommodation at MIT: external page undergraduate dorm, external page Independent Living Group (FSILG) and the external page open market. Many residences feature a external page meal plan and some have kitchens where you may cook for yourself. external page See accommodation for further information.
- You can also rent apartments outside of MIT. This is highly recommended for any students older than 22 as all undergraduate dorms have a mix of 18- to 22-year-olds on each floor.
University website | external page Northwestern University |
Type of programme | Departmental |
Participating degree programmes | D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MAVT |
Duration and type | 1 quarter for courses, 2 quarter if indicated research work (on request) |
Course catalogue | |
Academic calendar | external page Academic calendar |
Semester designation | Semester dates |
Fall Term | September - December |
Winter Term | January - March |
Spring Term | Mid-March - June |
Prerequisites | Minimum requirements |
Exchange possible from | 3rd year of studies |
Minimum average grades | 5,0 |
Language confirmation | ETH language confirmation |
Important information
For information on departmental preselection and all academic queries, contact the departmental exchange coordinator of D-INFK, D-ITET or D-MAVT.
Additional costs
In addition to higher living costs you should also include the costs of:
- Entry formalities (USD 380)
- Health insurance (USD 1,800 per quarter)
Costs for exchange students are estimated at ca USD 3,260 per month and USD 9,780 per quarter including the costs mentioned above, housing and meal plan. external page Visit the Northwestern University website for more information.
Course planning
University website | external page Princeton University |
Type of programme | Departmental |
Participating degree programmes | D-BIOL, D-INFK, D-MATH: Mathematics |
Duration and type | 1 semester for courses |
Course catalogue | |
Academic calendar | external page Academic calendar |
Semester designation | Semester dates |
Fall Term | End of August - End of December |
Spring Term | End of January – mid-May |
Prerequisites | Minimum requirements |
Exchange possible from |
Minimum average grades | 5,0 |
Language confirmation | ETH language confirmation |
Important information
For information on departmental preselection and all academic queries, contact the departmental exchange coordinator of D-BIOL, D-INFK or D-MATH: Mathematics.
- external pagecall_made Office of International Programs
- external pagecall_made Information for Exchange Students
- external pagecall_made Guide for International Exchange Students
- external pagecall_made Department of Molecular Biology
- external pagecall_made Department of Computer Science
- external pagecall_made Department of Mathematics
Additional costs
external page Estimated costs. You do not have to pay the tuition at Princeton.
Study planning
- You can take advanced undergraduate 400-level courses.
- Computer Science students may take up to two 500-level courses.
- Biology and Math students are limited to one, unless an exception is granted by Princeton.
- Enrolment in the final courses will not take place until you arrive.
- Read the external page additional information.
You are required to live in Princeton housing. For residential College housing a meal plan is mandatory but not for upper-class housing. For information, open this link to external page accommodation at Princeton University.
You must arrive a few days before classes begin, and the exact date of check-in will be confirmed by Princeton around the time of acceptance.
University website | external page Purdue University |
Type of programme | ETH-wide |
Participating degree programmes | all, except D-ARCH, D-MTEC, D-CHAB Pharmacy |
Duration and type | 1 semester for courses |
Course catalogue | external page Course catalogue |
Academic calendar | external page Academic calendar |
Semester designation | Semester dates |
Fall Semester | August - December |
Spring Semester | January - May |
Prerequisites | Minimum requirements |
Exchange possible from | 3rd year of studies |
Minimum average grades | 4,5 |
Language confirmation |
Graduate students do not have access to on-campus housing and must find their own accommodation off campus. Resources can be found either on the external page Purdue Off-Campus Housing page or in the student exchange reports of former exchange students.
Course planning
- The following Colleges of the host university participate in ETH exchanges: the external page College of Agriculture, the external page College of Science and the external page College of Engineering.
- The following Colleges of the host university accept no ETH exchange students: the external page College of Pharmacy,the external page College of Veterinary Medicineand the external page College of Education.
- Generally courses at Purdue University are worth 3 or 4 credits and undergraduate students take between 3 and 5 courses per semester to fulfil the full-time student status which requires a minimum of 12 credits.
- Students who enrol as undergraduates may only attend courses with course numbers up to 59999. Courses numbered 50000 to 59999 require special permission from the department at Purdue University.
- As an undergraduate student you cannot expect to take all 3 to 5 required courses on the course level between 50000 and 59999. If you need courses exclusively at this level and at best 60000+ courses, you must apply as graduate student.
- Students wishing to enrol as graduate students (to take courses numbered 60000+) must already hold a Bachelor’s degree. The Bachelor’s degree certificate must be submitted to Purdue University at the latest when their studies begin.
Applying to the partner university
Registration at Purdue University takes place just a few weeks after the Student Exchange Office makes its nominations. Therefore this partner university requires you to submit a detailed curriculum with your application. Discuss this with your student exchange advisor before you apply online. For details refer to external page information on the registration procedure and required documents at Purdue University.
University website | external page UGA |
Type of programme | Departmental |
Participating degree programmes | D-USYS, D-HEST: Food Sci. |
Duration and type | 1 semester for courses; if indicated research work (on request) |
Course catalogue | |
Academic calendar | external page Academic calendar |
Semester designation | Semester dates |
Fall Semester | August - December |
Spring Semester | January - May |
Prerequisites | Minimum requirements |
Exchange possible from | 3rd year of studies |
Minimum average grades | 4,5 |
Language confirmation | ETH language confirmation |
Important information
- For information on departmental preselection and all academic queries, contact the departmental exchange coordinators in D-USYS or D-HEST Food Sci.
- Here you will find the external page most important information of UGA (Incoming Student Handbook, webinars, info sheet, FAQ).
Additional costs
- International fee: USD 71
- Orientation: USD 540 including housing in the fall
- Brown Hall: USD 2,723 / East Campus Village: USD 4,156
- 7 days meal plan: USD 2,222
- Health insurance: USD 1,231 (fall), USD 1,705 (spring)
Open this link to external page accommodation at the University of Georgia and an external page off-campus housing guide.
Course planning
If you wish to enrol as a graduate student, you must already hold a Bachelor's degree. The Bachelor's degree certificate and the diploma must be submitted to the UGA as soon as possible to ensure timely student course registration (at the latest by the time the exchange begins). Also they need a proof that courses were taken in English in two semesters.
Applying to the partner university
- Application to the UGA should proceed just a few weeks after nomination by the Student Exchange Office. This means that the UGA application documents must be assembled within a short time.
- Further information on the application process will be sent to you by UGA via email after the nomination of ETH. Here you find information on the external page UGA application procedure.
University website | external page University of Illinois |
Type of programme | Departmental |
Participating degree programmes | D-INFK, D-ITET, D-PHYS |
Duration and type | 1 quarter for courses |
Course catalogue | external page Course catalogue |
Academic calendar | external page Academic calendar |
Semester designation | Semester dates |
Fall | End of August – mid December |
Spring | End of January – mid-May |
Prerequisites | Minimum requirements |
Exchange possible from | 3rd year of studies. D-PHYS and D-INFK: Only bachelor |
Minimum average grades | 5,0 |
Language confirmation | ETH language confirmation |
Important information
For information on departmental preselection and all academic queries, contact the departmental exchange coordinator of D-INFK, D-ITET or D-PHYS.
Additional Costs
You do not pay University of Illinois tuition and receive a waiver for most of their fees. Below is a list of the mandatory fees that you are still required to pay.
- Health service fee
- Transportation fee
- International student fee
- Illinois student insurance (You are automatically enrolled in Illinois student insurance.)
external page Visit their site to find the current U.S. dollar amount for each of the above fees.
If you choose to apply for university housing, you must be aware that there is no guarantee that you will get residence hall of your choice and that you enter into a contract with the university's housing office by applying. Termination of this contract leads to penalties.
Study planning
- UIUC cannot guarantee enrollment in any specific course (even if you need the course to graduate), so it is important to be as flexible as possible in your course selection. Physics: It is the responsibility of the applicants to ensure that the exchange semester is planned in accordance with the requirements of the Bachelor degree at ETH.
- It is not possible to take courses offered by Gies Business, College of Law, Master of Science in Financial Engineering, or Technology and Management courses. There are no exceptions.
- All engineering exchange students are required to take ENG 398 Grainger Engineering Design Your Experience. Registration instructions will be provided during the pre-arrival orientation.
University website | external page University of Pennsylvania |
Type of programme | Departmental |
Participating degree programmes | D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MAVT and D-HEST: HST |
Duration and type | 1 semester for courses |
Course catalogue | |
Academic calendar | external page Academic calendar |
Semester designation | Semester dates |
Fall | August - December |
Spring | January - May |
Summer (exchange not possible) | May - August |
Prerequisites | Minimum requirements |
Exchange possible from | 3rd year of studies, only for Bachelor students without a Bachelor degree during the exchange |
Minimum average grades | 5,0 |
Language confirmation | ETH language confirmation |
Important information
For information on departmental preselection and all academic queries, contact the departmental exchange coordinator of D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MAVT or D-HEST: HST. Ask the respective advisor in advance which documents are required for the respective departmental selection.
Additional costs
- The up-to-date estimated costs per academic year you may find on the external page UPenn website under "Costs to Consider". This are the costs for regular students for a whole academic year.
- The external page Penn Student Insurance Plan (PSIP) (health insurance) is very expensive (see the PSIP Premium Rates for the respective year), but it is possible to avoid taking it out. Your Swiss health insurer must fill out a form in English which confirms that all external page PSIP requirements are covered.
- Vaccinations (external page vaccination certificate).
Study planning
Two out of four or three out of five courses mut be taken in the external page School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) as we have an exchange agreement with SEAS. You may can take undergraduate courses up to 4999; other courses may be available upon request and as an exception.
Accommodation and meal plan
All exchange students under the age of 22 are required to live in Penn housing and enrol in a meal plan (cheapest version USD 800). Students over 22 have the possibility to apply for a waiver from campus housing. The final decision is made by Penn Residential Services. For information, open this link to external page accommodation at University of Pennsylvania or the link to external page off-campus housing.
Applying to the partner university
Registration at the University of Pennsylvania for fall semester takes place just a few weeks after the Student Exchange Office makes its nominations. Therefore the University of Pennsylvania application documents must be assembled within a few weeks. For details refer to information on the external page application procedure and required documents at the University of Pennsylvania.
University website | external page University of Texas at Austin |
Type of programme | Departmental |
Participating degree programmes | D-BIOL, D-CHAB: Chemistry and Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences, D-HEST: HST, D-ITET, D-MATH: Mathematics, D-MAVT, D-PHYS |
Duration and type | 1 semester for courses; if indicated research work (on request) |
Course catalogue | |
Academic calendar | external page Academic calender |
Semester designation | Semester dates |
Fall Semester | August - December |
Spring Semester | January - May |
Prerequisites | Minimum requirements |
Exchange possible from | 3rd year of studies |
Minimum average grades | 4,5 |
Language confirmation | ETH language confirmation |
Important information
For information on departmental preselection and all academic queries, contact the departmental exchange coordinator for D-CHAB: Chemistry and Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences, D-BIOL, D-HEST: HST, D-ITET, D-MATH: Mathematics, D-MAVT or D-PHYS.
Additional costs
- ca. USD 1,300 per semester for external page UT Austin’s insurance plan (compulsory)
- ca. USD 125 international student fee
- ca. USD 180 SEVIS fee and USD 160 visa fees
- ca. USD 10 for the student ID
- ca. USD 700 – 1400 per month for housing
external page See this link to accommodation at UT Austin.
Planning your studies
You can enrol in your courses only after arrival at University of Texas at Austin. external page Course restrictions for specific departments may exist, for example you may not enrol in courses at the Department of Computer Science. external page See the UT academic planning website for further information. General exchange students coming to UT do not automatically have access to graduate level courses. Students must receive permission from the relevant department for each graduate course they wish to enroll in. Students coming to UT must be flexible.
University website | external page University of Washington |
Type of programme | Departmental |
Participating degree programmes | D-INFK |
Duration and type | 1 quarter for courses |
Course catalogue | external page Course catalogue |
Academic calendar | external page Academic calendar |
Semester designation | Semester dates |
Autumn Quarter | End of September - mid-December |
Winter Quarter | Beginning of January - mid-March |
Spring Quarter | End of March - mid-June |
Summer Quarter (exchange not possible) | End of June - End of August |
Prerequisites | Minimum requirements |
Exchange possible from | 3rd year of studies |
Minimum average grades | 4,5 |
Language confirmation | Undergraduate students
Graduate students English language proficiency (ELP) is required. If your native language is not English, you must demonstrate English language proficiency as outlined in external page Graduate School Policy 3.2. |
Important information
For information on departmental preselection and all academic queries, contact the D-INFK departmental exchange coordinator. Ask the respective advisor in advance which documents are required for the respective departmental selection.
Additional costs
In addition to higher living costs you should also include the costs of entry formalities (USD 350) and health insurance (USD 500 per quarter) in your calculation; living costs are estimated at ca USD 1,300 - 1,500, plus accommodation USD 1,000 - 1,200 per month.
For information open this link to external page accommodation (tab "Housing Information") at University of Washington.
Applying to the partner university
Registration at the University of Washington takes place just a few weeks after the Student Exchange Office makes its nominations. Therefore the University of Washington application documents must be assembled within a few weeks. For details refer to external page information on the application and required documents at the University of Washington.