Enrolled Bachelor and Master students in their first academic qualification (no degree on the same level).
ETH Zurich may award grants to students who are registered for a standard study programme (BSc, MSc) at ETH Zurich if their family cannot afford to fund their studies. An adequate academic progress (20 ECTS/Semester) is necessary.
How can I fund my doctorate?
Doctoral students at ETH Zurich are usually employed in a position financed by their thesis supervisor’s funds.
To which canton do I have to submit a cantonal scholarship application?
The canton in which your parents are legally domiciled. The addresses of the cantonal scholarship offices can be found here: Download Cantonal scholarship offices (PDF, 209 KB)
I have submitted a scholarship application to the canton but have not yet received a reply. Can I still submit an application to the Scholarship Office at ETH Zurich?
No. Wait for your application until it is complete.
I am not eligible for a cantonal scholarship. Can I still submit an application to the Scholarship Office?
To check your eligibility for an ETH Zurich grant, the best thing to do is to make an appointment with us for a consultation.
Can I still apply for an ETH Zurich grant if my application for a cantonal scholarship is unsuccessful?
Yes. ETH Zurich uses its own assessment criteria for awarding grants.
The cantonal scholarship period has expired. Can I now submit an application to the Scholarship Office?
Please make an appointment with us for a consultation.
My cantonal scholarship funds have not yet been paid out and I have run out of money. What can I do?
You have the option to take out a short-term interest-free loan of CHF 2'000. You can apply for this at any time. Please note that you should submit your scholarship application to the canton as early as possible.
What is the deadline for submitting my grant application to ETH Zurich? The period of application is from September 1 until July 31 of the running academic year.
Do I have a legal entitlement to an ETH Zurich scholarship?
ETH Zurich only awards grants to supplement other funding. You have no legal entitlement to an ETH Zurich scholarship.
Are applications processed in the order in which they are received?
All necessary documents must be provided before an application can be processed.
When are the scholarships paid out and in what form?
Full applications are considered and decided throughout the year. The annual grant is usually paid out in two equal instalments; one in the autumn semester and one in the spring semester. The decision is published in eSTIP.
Will I receive smaller grants if I have a job alongside my studies?
This only applies if you earn more than CHF 6,000 per year.
What is the maximum income my parents are allowed to earn for me to be eligible to receive a grant?
Various factors come into play when taking parental income and assets into calculation. Generally we may say that a scholarship is rather unlikely if your parents earn more than 70'000 CHF and you have no siblings. Use our scholarship calculator to find out.
How much financial support do my parents need to provide?
What is considered to be a “reasonable” parental contribution depends on your parents’ income and assets. Please make an appointment with us for a consultation.
I am aged 25 or older and my parents no longer wish to support me. What should I do?
Your parents are obliged to provide you with financial support within their own means during your studies for your first vocational or academic qualification.
If you have any problems, please make an appointment with us for a consultation.
Are ETH Zurich grants subject to tax?
As a general rule, you do not have to pay tax on grants provided that they do not exceed an overall total of CHF 24,000 per year. The relevant tax office will be able to provide you with more detailed information on this.
What is the difference between a tax return and a tax invoice?
A tax return must be completed by the person liable to pay tax and submitted to the municipal tax office. Various supplementary documents must be enclosed with the tax return, such as salary statements, work-related expenses documentation and bank documents, etc.
The tax office issues a tax invoice (detailing state/municipal tax and federal tax) based on the tax return.
What is the difference between state/municipal tax and federal tax?
Both state/municipal tax and federal tax are levied by the local authority for your place of residence on behalf of your canton of residence and the federal government. Each canton (state) has its own tax law. State/municipal tax (in some cantons only the term “state tax” is used) varies from canton to canton for the same level of income. A standard rate is applied throughout Switzerland for federal tax.
Both tax invoices are needed from Swiss students for calculating ETH Zurich grants:
The state/municipal tax invoice is needed for determining taxable assets.
The federal tax invoice is needed for determining taxable income.
The amount of tax to be paid does not need to be specified for calculating ETH Zurich grants.
If my parents have not yet received an up-to-date tax invoice. What should I do?
Wait until you have all necessary documents.
I do not have access to my parents’ tax documents. What should I do?
It is possible for your parents to send their tax documents directly to us without you seeing them. Please contact us.