There are guidelines to follow and information that facilitates a self-organised stay.
- You must organise the stay abroad yourself, including the application to the host university.
- You must gather information on the admissions policy and tuition fees directly from the respective office at the host university.
- The departments determine whether academic achievements abroad will be recognised. Therefore you must contact your department (study administration) early before your stay abroad.
- Forms and the like are signed by the office supervising the stay: in the case of courses, the Student Administration Office (representing the Directorate of Studies); in the case of projects, the professorship. Download The Student Exchange Office does not sign any documents. Please also note the information sheet on coursework or internships completed at another university, which also describes recommendations and restrictions, among other things (PDF, 142 KB).
If you go abroad to write a study project / your thesis, you must:
- involve your supervisor at ETH Zurich, your supervisor at your host university, and the study administration in your department at ETH;
- inform yourself early about the correct steps and deadlines in your department for the recognition of your study project / thesis;
- follow the rules and instructions on occupational safety and health protection.
You find information in the guide Download A Successful Start in the USA (PDF, 367 KB) for Swiss Students, researchers, and engineers.
Admission and status at the host university
The fees, rights, and deadlines must be clarified with the respective office at the host university.
If you would like to go to a US host university for courses, first check whether the university offers this option. Search for "visiting students" or similar terms. Note the sometimes quite high tuition / semester fees.
If you go to a US host university for a study project / thesis, your status will most likely be that of a "visiting research student" or similar terms.
This status is usually characterised by lower tuition / semester fees, but there is no or only very limited right to attend courses, write examinations and receive a transcript of records.
For research projects you often have to sign an "Invention or IP Agreement" of the host university, contact the director of studies in your department. Download Read the information sheet in German on student research projects or internships completed at another university. (PDF, 146 KB)
Visa: US Embassy in Bern
US Embassy in Bern
On the website of the external page US Embassy in Bern, you will find general information, information on the visa process and external page personal advising on studying in the USA.
After admission at your host university, you will receive a document for the visa application from your host university, either a DS 2019 for a J-1 visa or an I-20 for an F-1 visa. Only after you have received this form from the host university can you make an appointment at the US Embassy in Bern or in your home country and external page apply for your US visa. For a student visa, an interview at the US Embassy in Bern or in your home country is mandatory. If you need to provide contacts from your home university, we recommend asking your study administration.
You must be able to prove that you have sufficient financial means at the visa interview at the US Embassy in Bern, either on your own or on the account of relatives. The host university will inform you about the amount of financial means.
Requirement of thirdd-party funding
Depending on the type of Visa that is requested by US universities (particularly MIT), it is likely that a percentage of the funding will have to be proven to be due to third-party funding. SEMP Worldwide Projects & Traineeships can serve this purpose. It is best to ask the guest institution what the exact terms are.
Contact the respective office at your host university or your supervisor for accommodation. Many US universities have a "Housing/Residential Office" or similar that manages the rooms on campus.
Insurances (health insurance / liability insurance)
The insurance policies must be clarified with the respective office at the host university. Proof of sufficient health insurance coverage is usually expected from your US host university. Often it is even mandatory to take out the UHIP (University Health Insurance Plan) of your host university or a US health insurance company recognized by them.
You should also contact your insurance company in Switzerland or your home country for comprehensive advice on your insurance coverage in the USA.
Liability insurance for your stay abroad is recommended.
Credit transfer; recognition of your stay abroad at ETH
Information on credit transfer/recognition can be found at the top of the page under "Principles".
- The application criteria are set by the host university.
- The required documentation must be submitted by you to the host university independently and punctually. Note the respective application deadlines.
- For any additional documents, such as a confirmation letter to accompany the application documents, contact your department (study administration) directly.
The website of the department or institute you are interested in is a good place to start looking for a suitable project; should you be successful in your search, contact the professors directly. When contacting potential supervisors, you should include at least your current curriculum vitae and a complete transcript of records (if available, include BSc degree).
It would be very helpful if one of your ETH professors who has research contacts with your host university, can recommend a suitable project as well as introduce you to a supervisor there. Refer to the International Knowledge Base for research contacts between ETH professors and your host university or check with your professors about this directly as not all contacts are in the IKB.
The ETH examination session must be taken into account before applying: Examinations may not overlap with participation in a summer or winter school.
The departments determine whether academic achievements abroad will be recognised. You must contact your study administration well in advance of your stay abroad.
The type of enrolment depends on whether you attend courses or do a project. Enquire about the exact status at the Registrar’s Office.