Summer internships at IARU universities
Are you looking for a summer internship at a renowed university abroad? National University of Singapore, University of Copenhagen , University of Oxford and Yale University offer various internships.

Intern at the Global Relations Office, National University of Singapore
Duration: minimum of 5 months
Application deadline: none, this position is offered all year round
Summer Programmes Intern, National University of Singapore
Duration: 10 to 12 weeks, preferably between May and July
Application deadline: 25 February 2018
Multi-disciplinary research on different aspects of population ageing, University of Oxford
Duration: from one week to three months during summer 2018
Application deadline: not communicated
Intern for academic assistance, University of Copenhagen
Duration: 3 months, 1 April - 1 July or 1 September - 1 December
Application deadline: 1 March 2018
Partnership Analysis Internship, Yale University
Duration: 6 weeks, preferrably July - August
Application deadline: 15 April 2018
All positions are open to students of one of the IARU member universities, among them ETH Zurich.
Further information: external page