Industry Internships in India - Call for Applications
Here is an exciting opportunity for ETH students for a 3 month industrial internship in Bangalore!
Summer internships at IARU universities

Are you looking for a summer internship at a renowed university abroad? National University of Singapore, University of Copenhagen , University of Oxford and Yale University offer various internships.
Open Internship Positions at swissnex China in Shanghai
Swissnex China – the Swiss Science Consulate – connects the dots between Switzerland and China in science, education, art, and innovation. There are now two open internship positions, starting in March 2018.
Summer programmes University of Cambridge
Study at one of the world's leading universities. A choice of over 180 courses gives you the opportunity to create your own personalised study programme.
UBC Vancouver summer programme
The UBC Vancouver summer programme is a four-week academic programme offered by the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada.
Summer school for climate change research
The University of Bern invites Bachelor students from different disciplines to participate in the international summer school «Confronting Climate Change - from Science to Policy».
Linköping summer academy
Linköping University (LiU) in Sweden offers a four-week summer programme with high-quality courses to students from LiU's partner universities.
Summer school in Amsterdam
The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) offers two-week courses in consecutive sessions during the months July and August as part of the VU summer school.