Reminder deregistration session exams

Please note that you can deregister from all session examinations up to and including Sunday, 16 January 2022 without stating any reasons.

You can cancel your registration electronically via myStudies: Functions Examinations Deregister

If you cannot withdraw your registration electronically in myStudies (for example, because this semester you have submitted a request to examinations), you will have to do it by to the Examinations Office until the deregistration deadline.

Once the deregistration deadline has expired, deregistrations will only be possible directly via the Examinations Office as stated in the binding DownloadDirective on the Examination Schedule (PDF, 206 KB). In this case, please note that if you are not going to take an examination, you must contact the Examinations Office at least 1 hour before the start of the respective examination. (For e-mails, the time when you sent the mail is relevant.)

Please note that at the beginning of next week we will send the instructions on the Covid-19 safety concept to all persons involved in the examinations. These instructions will ensure that the examinations are conducted safely at ETH.

We wish you a successful examination session! Stay healthy!

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