myStudies with new user interface

Thanks to a usability study conducted by ETH students1), myStudies was revised in a further step and now presents itself in a new look.

Special attention was paid to ensure that the arrangement and design of the user interface elements such as buttons, texts, icons and input fields are adapted to the user behavior of the students.

In addition, the following functions have been improved:

  • The handling of course unit assignments was significantly simplified. Searching, reserving, removing courses, filling gaps and coordinating with the timetable now happens with just a few clicks.
  • The start page has been reduced to the most important elements.
  • The timetable without numbers is much easier to read.
  • Data export from the timetable to the personal schedule (.ics files) now shows exact start and end times.
  • Students with a Learning Agreement can easily assign performance assessments to the same category in the Performance Overview. The category selected in the approved Learning Agreement is marked LAG.
Screenshot of the start page of myStudies
The start page of myStudies has been reduced to the most important elements.

1) A Usability Study of “myStudies” Course Registration System; Allenbach Carole, Bano Polikseni, Vetter Joel, Zumsteg Andrin (ETH Zürich)

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