Examination schedule summer session 2022 online
The personal examination schedule including oral examination dates and room allocations for written exams is as of now visible online in myStudies.
Deadline for deregistering from examinations
You can deregister from all session examinations up to and including Sunday, 31 July 2022, without stating any reasons. You can cancel your registration via myStudies: Functions → Examinations → Deregister.
If you cannot withdraw your registration electronically in myStudies, for example because this semester you have submitted a request to prepone examinations, you will have to do it by e-mail to the Examinations Office until the deregistration deadline.
Once the deregistration deadline has expired, deregistrations will only be possible directly via the Examinations Office. In this case, please note that if you are not going to take an examination, you must contact the Examinations Office at least 1 hour before the start of the respective examination. For e-mails, the time when you sent the mail is relevant.
Important notice:
Absences for examinations that are part of an examination blocks must again be justified (for example, by a doctor's certificate), if an examination block must be interrupted (i.e. one or more examinations of that block cannot be taken).
Due to partly noisy construction work on the Hönggerberg, certain exams had to be scheduled in Halle 622, just near the Oerlikon train station.
The corresponding room designations are as follows:
- HAL LE622-1 (foyer)
- HAL LE622-2 (main hall)
- HAL LE622-3 (gallery)
Appropriate signage will be posted.
Deregistering from examinations
From Friday, 1 July 2022, up to and including Sunday, 31 July 2022, at midnight, you can withdraw from session examinations again through myStudies without justification.
Directive on the examination schedule
Please read the Download Directive on the examination schedule (PDF, 205 KB) containing general information, in particular on belated registration, deregistration, and on how to proceed if you are prevented from attending exams.
Please note that for the interruption of examination blocks, appropriate proof must now be submitted certifying the reason for the non-attendance of the examination(s) (e.g. doctor's certificate).
For the deregistration of single examinations, still no proof must be submitted.