
At ETH Zurich teaching and research are closely interrelated. Both are conducted at a high international level and influence each other in content. Next to research, teaching is thus a fundamental element of a doctorate. Together these activities build the foundation for a scientific career.

In this context all ETH doctoral students are required to assist in the teaching activities of their departments or chairs and thereby to develop their own teaching competences.

Professional guidance and support is available to you as you begin your teaching activities. ETH offers various courses for doctoral students which help them to acquire and further develop teaching skills.

Programmes for Teaching Assistants (TAs):

The UTL team provides a wide range of guidance services to ETH teaching staff. In particular, the course “Learning to Teach” (in English, available as online course with active teaching elements) imparts a variety of teaching skills which will help Doctoral TAs with their teaching tasks. More information and the registration link are available in the ETH course catalogue.

The Didactica programme (ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich) fosters the development of comprehensive teaching proficiency at all stages and levels of the academic career by covering important topics in higher education.

Didactica programme  

EPT-hub - is a community created to share good teaching practices and support doctoral students and postdocs in their TA duties.

Being created at D-PHYS to help TAs in their preparations for the exercise sessions, EPT-hub now opens its doors to doctoral students of other Departments. The hands-on monthly short workshops on general didactical and self-management topics are nice opportunities to meet other TAs, sharing knowledge and practicing skills, important for their teaching as well as for personal and professional development.