Exam schedule of written session exams

The schedule of written session examinations can now be viewed in myStudies.

The examination schedule only shows written session exams.

  • The examination schedule has been made in such a way that every chosen combination of exams belonging to the curriculum of each student is possible. As a result, up to 150 written exams per study program are held over a period of four weeks. It is therefore possible to have - depending on your choice - two examinations per day or examinations on several consecutive days - for this purpose, all selected combinations of all the approximately 16’000 registered students are possible.
  • It might be possible that you are registered for two exams, which now start at the same time according to your examination schedule. For example, the two semester courses [A] 551-0317-00S «Immunology I» and [B] 551-0318-00S «Immunology II» start at 9.30 a.m. each. If you are registered for both exams, you will first take [A], stay in your seat, and then take [B]. Please take this into account when coordinating your exam dates with possible other arrangements.
  • You can submit a request to prepone examinations or to take distance examinations (due to study-specific reasons only!) up to and including Sunday, 8 December 2024, via myStudies (myStudies > Functions > Examinations). Further information on Preponement/distance examination of session and end-of-semester examinations
  • The schedule of oral session examinations (with which the room allocations for the written examinations will also be announced) is expected to be published shortly before Christmas 2024. You will be informed by e-mail as soon as the schedule is available in myStudies.

Late registration for session examinations

A late registration for session examinations is still possible up to and including Sunday, 12 January 2025 (provided that sufficient exam seats are available).

Further information on Registration