Verschiedene Sommerpraktikas an IARU-Universitäten
Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einem Praktikum im Ausland und würden gerne an einer renommierten Universität arbeiten? Die National University of Singapore, University of Copenhagen, University of Oxford und die Yale University bieten verschiedene Praktikumsstellen an.

Intern at the Global Relations Office, National University of Singapore
Duration: minimum of 5 months
Application deadline: none, this position is offered all year round
Summer Programmes Intern, National University of Singapore
Duration: 10 to 12 weeks, preferably between May and July
Application deadline: 25 February 2018
Multi-disciplinary research on different aspects of population ageing, University of Oxford
Duration: from one week to three months during summer 2018
Application deadline: not communicated
Intern for academic assistance, University of Copenhagen
Duration: 3 months, 1 April - 1 July or 1 September - 1 December
Application deadline: 1 March 2018
Partnership Analysis Internship, Yale University
Duration: 6 weeks, preferrably July - August
Application deadline: 15 April 2018
All positions are open to students of one of the IARU member universities, among them ETH Zurich.
Further information: externe Seite