What are Morphs?

Morphs are untrained artificial intelligences. But what kind of creatures are they really? Why are they so happy to help humans? And how are they connected to AI in our everyday lives?

Morphs als Helfer
Morphs can assume a variety of different forms and flexibly alter their appearance based on the task at hand.  

Morphs are extremely cooperative and eager to learn. They are happy to take on our routine tasks, speed up tasks we find tedious or help us find new insights.

Speeding through data sets

Morphs are at their happiest when they can help us sift through huge data sets, which allows them to show off one of their most remarkable characteristics: speed! They only need clear instructions, rules or learning methods. There are also more playful Morphs who like to experiment and learn on their own.

Human trainers

Morphs need human supervision. It’s only with human help that morphs can learn what behaviour is productive and what skills they have to acquire in order to reliably complete their tasks. You can identify a well-trained Morph by the reliability and trustworthiness of its work.

Intelligent algorithms capable of learning

You’ve probably already guessed: Morphs are nothing more than small clever creatures who represent artificial intelligence. Their character traits reflect the basic traits and principles of the intelligent adaptive algorithms (i.e., calculation instructions) used by computers to autonomously complete everyday tasks.

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  • morph-tales@ethz.ch

ETH Zürich
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich