Authentification of documents / Haager Apostille

Authentification by ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich may only authenticate documents which it has issued. Documents issued by other Swiss universities or by foreign universities must be authenticated by the issuing institution or via (e.g.) a notary.

Authentification may be ordered for a fee in the webshop of the Academic Services.  

Haager Apostille

Some countries, particularly in Latin America, require a «Haager Apostille». This means that after an authentication by ETH Zurich a further authentification of the signature must be obtained. For this, please contact:

Schweizerische Bundeskanzlei

Gurtengasse 5
3003 Bern
Tel +41 (0)58 462 37 69
Fax +41 (0)58 462 38 95
external page

For the legislation by the Bundeskanzlei [Federal Chancellery] a certified copy of the original document is required. If there is no original document that can be copied, a transcript must be issued. It is also possible to order certified translations for legislation.

All these documents issued by the ETH are provided with an original signature and stamp and can then be legalised by the Federal Chancellery.