Master Atmospheric and Climate Science

This specialized Master's degree programme is offered by the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science of the Department of Environmental Systems Sciences and the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.

Students in this Master gain detailed knowledge in climate processes and feedbacks- ranging from the molecular to the global scale and from short-lived phenomena to changes in millions of years.

Students can choose 3 out of the following fields:

  • weather systems and atmospheric dynamics
  • climate processes and feedbacks
  • atmospheric composition and cycles
  • climate history and paleoclimatology
  • hydrology and water cycle

Elective courses can be used to either deepen the knowledge in one of the above mentioned fields or to broaden the knowledge in the field of atmospheric and climate sciences.

Practical courses give insight into lab and field work as well as in numerical modelling also in the field of high performance computing. During the Master's thesis, students work on their own research project for 6 months which is embedded in one of the research groups at the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science.

This Master is suitable for BSc students with a profound knowledge in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry (e.g. BSc in Earth and Climate Sciences, BSc in Physics, BSc in Chemistry) or also to students with a BSc in Geography when they obtained additional knowledge in Mathematics/Physics/Chemistry.

Language of instruction


Credits | duration

90 ECTS | 1.5 years

Academic title

Master of Science ETH in Atmospheric and Climate Science


Dr. Hanna Joos
  • +41 44 632 93 65

ETH Zurich
Department of Environmental Systems Science
Universitaetstrasse 16
CHN M 18
8092 Zurich