Offers and benefits
From childcare to car sharing – there is a range of offers and benefits available to ETH Zurich employees which are designed to make their work and life easier.
Offering childcare tailored to individual requirements is essential for an attractive university. Hello Kids! provides (expectant) parents help in finding a suitable childcare place in the city of Zurich or at place of residence. ETH Zurich subsidises the costs of childcare at facilities in the Zurich university area (external page kihz, KIKRI Zentrum, external page Irchelkrippe). The level of subsidy depends on the parents’ income. In accordance with the guidelines on Download Financial support for babies’ nursery places (PDF, 302 KB) (German), parents with babies (children aged under 18 months) who are not looked after by family members can apply for reimbursement of the difference in cost between a baby’s nursery place and an infant’s nursery place.
Important information on support for baby's nursery places:
The Executive Board of ETH Zurich decided in November 2023 that support for baby's nursery places for daycare centres outside the kihz foundation will be discontinued as of 1 August 2024.
The funds freed up will be used to expand childcare at kihz, in particular for flexible childcare and to increase flexibility for parents in terms of the number of childcare days that can be booked.
To maintain its status as one of the world’s leading universities in the long term, ETH Zurich sets itself ambitious performance targets. This is not just important in terms of education and research – it equally applies to the high standard of training of ETH Zurich members in all areas. Generous support is provided for training and continuing education activities which are undertaken in conjunction with work or which help enhance employability.
Language courses at various levels are available for attractive prices at the external page Language Center of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich.
There is a diverse range of catering facilities available, with more than a dozen canteens and cafés serving lunchtime meals and snacks. Members of ETH Zurich benefit from discounted prices.
Health is a precious commodity. Starting our day with a healthy routine has a positive impact on our work and vice versa our work often affects our health.
Health promotion focuses on personal responsibility – ETH Zurich supports you with various offers
The external page ASVZ offers a range of sporting activities, with more than 120 sports and other services available to ETH Zurich members for a minimal semester fee.
The ETH Library is one of the largest libraries in Switzerland and the central university library of ETH Zurich. It also performs the task of a national centre for scientific information. The ETH Library focuses particularly on supplying electronic information to university members and providing other services related to publishing and archiving, which are largely provided free of charge to members of ETH Zurich.
In order to use the services of the ETH Library, you must register. Further information on using the ETH Library is provided in the FAQs. The InfoCenter will be glad to help if you have any further questions.
The Campus Services Department of ETH Zurich will inform you of the options and conditions for renting a car-parking space at your place of work.
When the rental begins, after you have signed the contract, the car-parking charge will be deducted from your salary each month.
In addition to their compulsory accident insurance, ETH Zurich employees can also opt to take out private supplementary insurance from AXA with attractive premiums. Amongst other things, this covers any additional costs for hospital treatment on a semi-private or private ward and any expenses incurred as a result of an accident abroad which are not covered by compulsory insurance. It also provides benefits in the event of disability or death.
Employees receive a discount on certain health insurance products as of 1.1.2020.
Supplementary insurance product HOSPITA: 10% discount
Supplementary insurance products with up to 10% discount. Go to the external page premium calculator.
ETH Zurich would like to remain in active contact with its retirees and encourages them to continue to take part in ETH Zurich life. Various opportunities are offered for this, be it at events or on excursions. The external page Zurich Technical Society (Technische Gesellschaft Zürich) and the ETH Zurich Pensioners' Association (Pensionierten-Vereinigung) also offer some great opportunities to stay in touch with ETH and ETH members.