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Education, like studying at ETH Zurich costs money.
ETH tuition and semester fees sum up to CHF 804/semester.
A revision of the law is currently underway to increase tuition fees for foreign students by a factor of three (from autumn semester 2025).
Important to consider are the high living costs in the city and area of Zurich.
We recommend to calculate 18´000 to 27´000 CHF p.a. for average student living and study costs.
It is primarily the responsibility of students and their families to finance studies. If their funds are insufficient, students may file a scholarship request.
Need-based social scholarships for Bachelor and Master studies
Social scholarships
chevron_right Social scholarshipsMerit-based Excellence Scholarships
- chevron_right ESOP Excellence scholarship
- chevron_right D-BAUG Giorgio Pegoraro Scholarhip
- chevron_right D-CHAB Oskar Jeger Scholarhip
- chevron_right D-CHAB H Günthard Scholarhip
- chevron_right D-EAPS EASE Scholarship
- Download vertical_align_bottom D-BAUG, D-ITET, D-MAVT Nizzola Excellence Scholarship (PDF, 127 KB)
ETH Zurich
Rämistrasse 101
HG F22.1