Required application documents

In addition to the supporting general documents, many Master's degree programmes ask for additional programme-​specific application documents. Please make sure to thoroughly check what documents you need to submit your online application.

General documents

  • Online application: Please fill out the online application using the applicant portal eApply and submit the application with the required documents by the deadline.
  • Matriculation certificate: A scan of your matriculation certificate (e.g. Maturité, Relevés de notes du baccalauréat, IB-​Diploma)
  • Enrolment confirmation: For studies still in progress, please upload a confirmation of matriculation/enrolment in addition to your transcript.
  • EPFL-​​transcript(s): most recent EPFL-​​transcript(s) ('bulletin de notes') including a list of the individual first year courses and their grades ('Année propédeutique') as well as preparatory year transcripts (CMS) or transcripts covering the mise à niveau-course (MAN)
  • Official transcripts from other universities: offical transcript(s) of records from each university attended, including exchange programmes and programmes you did not complete/failed; for double degree programmes: transcripts from both universities
  • Degree certificate (Diploma): If your degree has already been awarded: a scan of your academic degree(s) (e.g. Bachelor Diploma) with Diploma Supplement.
  • Language certificate: Only required for Master's degree programmes taught in German. See the language requirements.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV): Your CV must contain a full and continuous history (no biographical gaps) of your education and work experiences. Start with high school up to the point your application is submitted (tabular resume). Your academic history in particular should be as detailed as possible and contain all academic degrees, with most recently earned degrees or degrees still in process listed first. Please do not leave gaps in your CV, even if you were not enrolled at a school or university nor gainfully employed for a certain period of time, i.e. if you were on an extended vacation or hiatus, as we are interested in the entire history of your intellectual and personal development. Please write the CV in the language of instruction of the respective Master's degree programme.
  • Passport: A scan of your valid passport  (only page with photo, name, date of birth, expiry date). EU/EFTA citizens can also upload a copy of your valid ID (front and back), if no passport is available.
  • Declaration of consent: Please fill in the Download declaration of consent (PDF, 1.3 MB) and upload the signed document to the your application account eApply during the application period.
  • Additional documents: Additional documents as required by the respective Master's degree programme.

There is no application fee for candidates holding a Bachelor's degree from EPF Lausanne.